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Wader spray

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If your looking for a waterproofer for waders then go for Repel from diverdaves wader repair.

ive used for years and I treat all my shooting gear, my waders, I’ve done  my tent ,  I know people who have treated horse blankets & the brother n law even tried it on his wife’s Ugg boots and the water just beads straight off!!

just spray the item , let it dry in them get the item warm, hang over a radiator or in an airing cupboard etc...  and for me the price of £8.50 for a 250ml bottle is cheaper then a lot of other stuff I’ve tried .

get it on eBay there are listings for 1x 2x 4x 8x or even 20x. Bottles.. just type in diver dave repel.


or got to his website direct


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