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What's everyone running this year

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I’ve got this bitch she’s a home bred bitch out of my old line bred collie greyhound xwhippet greyhound deerhound bitch to a bedlington greyhound dog she’s 23tts she had 2 little trips on the lamp acr

Hello lads new to this just like to see what everyone's running this year that's mine 

My Bitch Bonnie I’ll be running this season

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1 minute ago, Busher100 said:

Ohh right mate give em my number too save us a bit of time 

I knew you would like that lol joking apart I been out for the last 5 week regardless of moon / weather and we done ok but for starting a pup you can't beat good dark windy nights squatters and such like ideal when you need to go back to the yard a winner 

But you know this

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2 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

Hows that wheaton x doing for you davo mate? 

Av not got him any more mate the extended my driving ban for any 6 months and was sick of people letting me down to go lamping see a can go coursing 3 or 4 times a week me and the lad a run with but he not a lamping man and every one talks a good night out round my way but none of them go out so ad rather just wait so it's not fair on the dog 

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1 hour ago, 2 old 2 run said:

Nice looking team,should do well for you this winter if you can get the runs for them

Cheers pal the all my own breed and av not seen nothing bad of any of them yet the have every thing Hart wind brain the lot and av been getting a bit with them al not get the older dog out till November 

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