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The Mrs's uncle and auntie have 16 of the fckers. He fell out with me because I shared a meme about cats and Chinese food on Facebook. I tried to explain that I like dogs but wouldn't spit my dummy about a similar dog joke. Fckin detest cats and their selfish owners. Having numerous cats is an obvious sign of being a prick, especially in a man. 

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I may have told this before but anyway still funny... One news years eve, at around 6pm at the local Chinese takeaway, where the owner was notoriously, a grumpy fuucker.... The que was backed up

cats absolutely detest the damn things,never seen so many ferals getting round the areas that I run the dogs on,not a young rabbit or bird seen because there lying in the long grass and vegetation for

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On 05/09/2018 at 04:26, DIDO.1 said:

The Mrs's uncle and auntie have 16 of the fckers. He fell out with me because I shared a meme about cats and Chinese food on Facebook. I tried to explain that I like dogs but wouldn't spit my dummy about a similar dog joke. Fckin detest cats and their selfish owners. Having numerous cats is an obvious sign of being a prick, especially in a man. 

I may have told this before but anyway still funny...

One news years eve, at around 6pm at the local Chinese takeaway, where the owner was notoriously, a grumpy fuucker.... The que was backed up out of the door..... anyway as we are making our way from one pub to the next my pissed up mate decided to catch a cat, that was sat on a wall. None of us had any idea of what was coming next, as we took the piss out of our very inebriated friend, cuddling an obviously furious feline :laugh:

As we pass the very busy take away, he veers off from the group, walks proudly into the Chinese, slams the now 'screaming' cat on the counter and declared "that's the last one for this year mate" :laugh:

Oh how we laughed as the angry Chinese man tried to hit Mushy with a roll of cling film.

I have a cat, a rescue bought by my daughters boyfriend. It's like living with a sweet fluffy cuddle monster one minute and the next second It's trying to fuuck you up with intent lol and the little cnut has scratched the hell out of my brand new sofa! Still I'm not allowed to teach It the error of its ways until she breaks up with him (a comprimise) lol


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1 hour ago, mushroom said:

I may have told this before but anyway still funny...

One news years eve, at around 6pm at the local Chinese takeaway, where the owner was notoriously, a grumpy fuucker.... The que was backed up out of the door..... anyway as we are making our way from one pub to the next my pissed up mate decided to catch a cat, that was sat on a wall. None of us had any idea of what was coming next, as we took the piss out of our very inebriated friend, cuddling an obviously furious feline :laugh:

As we pass the very busy take away, he veers off from the group, walks proudly into the Chinese, slams the now 'screaming' cat on the counter and declared "that's the last one for this year mate" :laugh:

Oh how we laughed as the angry Chinese man tried to hit Mushy with a roll of cling film.

I have a cat, a rescue bought by my daughters boyfriend. It's like living with a sweet fluffy cuddle monster one minute and the next second It's trying to fuuck you up with intent lol and the little cnut has scratched the hell out of my brand new sofa! Still I'm not allowed to teach It the error of its ways until she breaks up with him (a comprimise) lol


I wouldn't allow my daughter to date anyone that paid for a cat there must be something wrong with him

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On 05/09/2018 at 20:25, longers01 said:

f***ing hate the things my next door neighbour got 2 of the fuckers tease my terriers every day day only a matter of time before they meet there maker

Teasing the terriers !  Can't  have that sort of thing going on !! ?

On 06/09/2018 at 16:28, peterhunter86 said:

I wouldn't allow my daughter to date anyone that paid for a cat there must be something wrong with him

incorrect upbringing by the parents. ???.  Her mumah never told her why. Or drew the whip across her. Boyfriend bought a cat ! ?

On 04/09/2018 at 08:00, shovel leaner said:

I was speaking to a woman who lives in the village next to my mates partridge shoot . She told me that her and some of the villagers had noticed a “correlation “ between cat disappearances and September ! Dunno why that is  I said shrugging my shoulders ?

it is  strange that so  many straying cats get run over crossing the road on blind bends. Drivers get no time to avoid tiddles and he ends up getting run over.   Oh dear, so sad, never mind. 


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I've had a fair few encounters with ferals over the years and in some odd places too in the middle of nowhere where you wouldn't find a rabbit never mind a cat. Even had a hob ferret nobble a half grown one in a rabbit warren too. 

Why is it not a legal requirement to chip them when it is for dogs, especially as people let them wander and then whinge when they get lost or splattered.


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