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I don`t think i`ll ever buy another PCP.

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I love my guns and have sold all my springers to go back to pcps and vice versa.even though I'm in Dubai I've just done a cracking deal with a lad in the UK for another rapid 7mk1.I think this will be my 6th rapid mk1.for some reason I can never keep a hold of them but its all part of the fun buying and selling I only owned my 20 mfr for 2 days but that's life

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A breathless night, wind wise, tonight lads, so i grabbed the chance to work on the shooting with my spring rifles again.                       I own just two pcp`s all others are either classic

noodle arms.  

Only if your weedy. ?

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All depends on what type of hunting you do , if its just going out for one or two then spring but for a pest control then PCP IMO .

I don't hunt with spring guns any more but still shoot at least three times a week with one of the spring guns out to about 40 yards 

I have six spring guns and six PCP including the new FX crown which I am still waiting for . I will keep my spring ones but will be selling at least two of my PCP guns 

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1 hour ago, villaman said:

All depends on what type of hunting you do , if its just going out for one or two then spring but for a pest control then PCP IMO .

I don't hunt with spring guns any more but still shoot at least three times a week with one of the spring guns out to about 40 yards 

I have six spring guns and six PCP including the new FX crown which I am still waiting for . I will keep my spring ones but will be selling at least two of my PCP guns 

When I go out with a spring gun I never feel limited to one or two.

Done plenty pest control with a springer, same results mate.



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30 minutes ago, Underdog said:

When I go out with a spring gun I never feel limited to one or two.

Done plenty pest control with a springer, same results mate.



May be its me but with a pcp I had five rabbits one after another with a HW100k , quick reloading , deadly quiet and deadly accurate .

I have seen your past post and your spring gun shooting is absolutely something to be proud of , one of the best on here with a few others 

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11 hours ago, villaman said:

All depends on what type of hunting you do , if its just going out for one or two then spring but for a pest control then PCP IMO .

I don't hunt with spring guns any more but still shoot at least three times a week with one of the spring guns out to about 40 yards 

I have six spring guns and six PCP including the new FX crown which I am still waiting for . I will keep my spring ones but will be selling at least two of my PCP guns 

Can`t say as i agree "too much" with this statement.

                 A good few new faces around at the moment on this forum, so i`ll post a few pictures of pest control using spring rifles, to make my point.

                 Good practice/ training with spring rifles makes them a very good tool for pest control. :good:  




Mitch, what makes you practice " at least 3 times a week" with just spring rifles and then you go hunting with just PCP  ?


                                          atb  Mark.

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PCP's have limitations like most things, the main one being that they run out of air, and on a long walk, and weigh more, and  unless you carry a divers bottle or carry a pump with you on your back, then a springer will batter a PCP in those situations, nothing between them on accuracy.  Plinking can be a pain when you have to fill your gun every few mags,  so I normally plink with a springer given the choice.

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Iv all ways say,d

if a job needs done ie ,,, clear out

then a pcp is the rifle to use

even better if you have a hw100

but i can shoot a spring rifle just as good

but its that second shot quick reload that a spring rifle lacks

iv all ways say, to

that if you get to know how your spring rifle likes and dose not like its just as effective

it may take a little longer to clear out a perm

but in the right hands its just as good .

i think a pcp is to easy to use and very quiet ,,accurate ,,,and quick reload that makes us use them more (me included )

When i was out with Allen (pav) i shot 5 rabbits sitting next to each other 5 shots five kills in under 8seconds

and thats when a pcp comes into its own

a spring rifle could not have done that .

due to reload time

Mark you do get some good bags my old friend and some times your posts make me want to take the springer out hunting

regardless if i get some thing or not .

Mitch you have some cracking spring rifles mate GET your self out and bag a few with one

i know your capable of it and as Mark says there is nothing like bagging a rabbit with a springer

to put a smile on your face .

I think your pcp,s are making you soft mate

get back out and do it OLD SCHOOL.


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Becoming a good debate Jimmy/ lads :good:

               Jimmy totally agree mate, no argument.

               I have in the past shot two rabbits one after the other with pcp , the crack of the impacting pellet does have a very good effect, normally, at making rabbits scarper - quick sticks ! :laugh:

               No i have no doubt that a pcp is superior to spring rifles and i also have no doubt that the spring rifle is superior to pcp, both have their pros and cons.

              Basically you newer lads, never think a spring rifle will hold you back in hunting or target work, if anything they will greatly improve you in every way.


atb  Mark


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22 hours ago, mark williams said:

Can`t say as i agree "too much" with this statement.

                 A good few new faces around at the moment on this forum, so i`ll post a few pictures of pest control using spring rifles, to make my point.

                 Good practice/ training with spring rifles makes them a very good tool for pest control. :good:  




Mitch, what makes you practice " at least 3 times a week" with just spring rifles and then you go hunting with just PCP  ?


                                          atb  Mark.

Shooting spring guns makes you a better shot with PCP IMO and that is why I practice with spring guns .


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8 hours ago, villaman said:

Shooting spring guns makes you a better shot with PCP IMO and that is why I practice with spring guns .


Still think you need to get out in the field with a springer Mitch

i think you will enjoy it mate


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I will have a go this winter with hunting with a spring gun  ,but which one do I use , HW97k .22 , HW97k .177 , SFS imp , Wonky Donkey (dave price) HW95 , BSA super sport .25 Or go back to my first air rifle  where it all began in 1973 BSA meteor .22 ?

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1 hour ago, villaman said:

I will have a go this winter with hunting with a spring gun  ,but which one do I use , HW97k .22 , HW97k .177 , SFS imp , Wonky Donkey (dave price) HW95 , BSA super sport .25 Or go back to my first air rifle  where it all began in 1973 BSA meteor .22 ?


hw97k 177

best cal imop

here we go???????????????????????????:rofl:


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