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2 minutes ago, daffy duck said:

With these impacts Jimmy all we need is 100yrds  mate 

Loads we could not get that close DD

they were away soon as they clicked we were there but the moon was out so that could of been a factor last night 

Si fell for the thermal just like i new he would and by the end of the night he was adamant he was getting rid of the photon


For the lads that have not looked or used a thermal scope

out in the field


not just in a shop or in a back yard





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2 hours ago, bigmac 97kt said:

Im sure Billy and daffy duck can vouch for me when i say this ,,42 is a bad night on Alan's perm


Well I am afraid I don’t believe you....I’ll have to bring my gun, ferrets and dogs over to check it out for myself!!!! ???

Enjoy the rabbits fellas and hope the good nights continue. 

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Jimmys already started a thread so I'll just add too it..

massive thanks at pav/Phil:hmm:hahaaa.... top night Alan and a big eye opener to a field walker:thumbs:

as Jimmys already said it was a great night lads and to say last night was the first time id met Alan it was like id known him for ages , good down to earth lad

who knows whats what when it comes to kit and shooting rabbits, its a hole new world to me driving round fields shooting up and down steep banks...

Alan's 4x4 skills are pretty good to, I thought we were gonna have to walk home a few times, them Toyota hi-lux are something else!!


and yeah.... Jimmys right!

 ive looked through a few thermals before and not been blown away in the slightest but fcuk me that pulsar scope is something else,

when I looked through to the other side of a Vally I couldn't believe it, the stuff you see on youtube is shite all the quality is lost.. 

when you actually look through it it's brilliant and from my past experiences identification was an issue but not with this set-up,

they might be expensive and if your just into mooching and a few for the pot not viable... but im having one! lol


jimmy-pav cheers for a cracking weekend:thumbs: si

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4 hours ago, bigmac 97kt said:

Si your welcome up hear any time bud

you dont even have to ask mate

a cracking week end ,,a few laughs,,and good banter

between three good friends

what more could you ask for


Thats what its all about having banter and laughs with your friends gets a tad boring on your own talking to the trees lol, and its allways better to have someone with you just incase your fall down a hole and you need help to get back up or just to get laughed at lol. atb symon 

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