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    • By WhiteSalukiBitch
      **sorry for the double post**
      I know I'm probably going to get the piss severely ripped out of me for asking this, but
      Has anyone ever successfully trained a deaf lurcher (from two working parents and I own her 4 year old sister who is an awesome little bunny basher.) 
      Genetically she has potential, but...what do you experts think? 
      She's not a Double merle by the way, it's extreme piebald/white head. Her vision is perfect 
    • By WhiteSalukiBitch
      I know I'm probably going to get the piss severely ripped out of me for asking this, but
      Has anyone ever successfully trained a deaf lurcher (from two working parents and I own her 4 year old sister who is an awesome little bunny basher.) 
      Genetically she has potential, but...what do you experts think? 
      She's not a Double merle by the way, it's extreme piebald/white head. Her vision is perfect 
    • By Luckee legs
      Hi to all, so I've never owned a whippet before and have encountered an irritating habit that got worse in the last month of ferreting and was wondering if anyone out there has had success minimising noise during ferreting?
      So he runs prey silently, almost never barks at home so I was very happy going into his first winter, but.... when the ferret slot machine is not paying out fast enough for his liking he yips at the holes he senses are near the underground action. On top of that, if he runs a bolted rabbit to ground again he persistently barks at the hole while constantly looking at me as if to say "get them ferrets over here mate, I've got one for you"
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    • By TheGrafter
      Morning lads,
      so I’ve always had black fell terriers and work them to ground. But for a few years I’ve noticed people starting work slightly broken coated very short coupled terriers that are little savages. I never really get a clear answer to what’s in them but I really like the look of them.
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