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Rabbit decline

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Not much around but me and the dog make such a hash of catching them we get good value out of each rabbit  Quite happy with one rabbit and two is a good day  

Vhd.  It's not even worth having a lurcher any more.

The final chapter ?

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May time I moved home to a new area on arrival I was keen to get out an explore I found the new land lifting with rabbits I’d see any thing from 30-40 on a normal short walk far more than I was used to any way i thought excellent I’m in for a blinder of a season as I’ve got a young un to bring on ive mentioned to a few people on a group I’m in on good old fb about what I’ve been seeing I feel such a complete bellend now the crops are done An Down so I’ve been for a little look on the lamp to see what I’m up against......feck all! Barron land I’ve been out a few times just to late night walk to see what was about I see one rabbit at the hedge line the other day ? not looking good my end before it’s even started 

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Whilst there is no doubt rabbit numbers generally are significantly down across most of the country I do feel they will recover but it may take time. Personally I feel it’s the new disease as mixi has been about for 65 years and people have always hunted them, it’s still relatively early since the outbreaks and if you look at numbers after mixi initially hit it took a long time for them to get back to anything sensible. I do feel that (unless your a paid pest controller) that you must manage your permission to avoid wiping out your own sport, make sure you catch enough to keep a land owner happy but not so many as to leave nothing to breed. Respecting a season also (unless being paid as previously said) to give them a chance to recover in peace. 

Rabbits will always be here but it may be years before they as widespread as they once were but as hunters and countrymen (and women!) we can help bring them back quicker if we are a bit more sensible at times. 

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The last time I went out for a proper nights lamping was a few year back now with my old bull x I will always remember it I drove 150 miles around to alot of spots and I got 6 rabbits that night. Alot of the rabbits down my way sit just out the hedge line and are gone in a second. A little farm I have perm on used to be moving with them and I called in on the farmer a couple of months ago and he told me they all went in the space of 2 weeks. But he saw one hopping about that night I called in so that farm will be left alone now this season and see if that dose anything. 

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28 minutes ago, Saltmoon said:

The last time I went out for a proper nights lamping was a few year back now with my old bull x I will always remember it I drove 150 miles around to alot of spots and I got 6 rabbits that night. Alot of the rabbits down my way sit just out the hedge line and are gone in a second. A little farm I have perm on used to be moving with them and I called in on the farmer a couple of months ago and he told me they all went in the space of 2 weeks. But he saw one hopping about that night I called in so that farm will be left alone now this season and see if that dose anything. 

Got to be RHD wiping them out that quick. Hopefully they recover in a few seasons. 

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3 hours ago, Str said:

Mixi just started here they seem to get it this time every year,I’ve been walking round trying to catch up the mixi ones! 


I used to go round killing as many mixi rabbits as possible but it's surprising the amount that recover from it when left alone

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6 hours ago, Str said:

How many on here can honestly say when out with the dogs,ferrets,guns they say that’s enough for today with a couple of rabbits? Not many of us! Like has been said everything and one are hunting rabbits,once rabbits are knocked back through constantly been shot,dogged etc then a dose of mixi it’s difficult to come back from especially when folks are still hunting them when they are virtually non existent. In 1980 rabbits round my way were very thin on the ground until a lad who had some good permission in the dales kept bagging rabbits when ferreting and released them at home it worked wonders.worth trying shaneg.

I do every time I go out wether gun,dogs or ferrets,been doing it for years now,I enjoy just been out wondering my days have gone coming back with 60s plus then sitting there gutting and skinning,2 or 3 does me now one of my perms I’ve left for 2 seasons now as I left enough to have a few flights when I had the hawks to and I know it’s safe land as there is only me with perm on it.its good for pheasants during the season as it’s between 2 shoots and the farmer won’t even let them on.theres lads still go out in breeding season which doesn’t help as it’s called that for a reason but they know better till the season starts, then they are twisting cos it’s crap so it’s not just mixi hitting them .i wouldn’t that you for another lurcher now as it wouldn’t do it justice 

Edited by lurchers
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