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4 youths stabbed in london

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knives are more concealable,spears attract attention in Lewisham 

That's why I chose to move my west from Reading, not east. I had opportunities both ways but, chose to distance myself from the feral chaos and, head for the countryside.   Best move I

Reading has more than it's fair share of 'enrichment'

  On 17/08/2018 at 12:33, Jonjon79 said:

That's why I chose to move my west from Reading, not east.

I had opportunities both ways but, chose to distance myself from the feral chaos and, head for the countryside.


Best move I ever made :yes:


Reading has more than it's fair share of 'enrichment'

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In my opinion, no government in the world should have the ability to administer capital punishment for two very simple reasons. Firstly mistakes are made, and so a small number innocent people will be executed. Secondly it allows corrupt officials to falsely convict and execute anyone they feel like.

However I do agree that we should start sentencing those found guilty of all crimes appropriately.

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  On 17/08/2018 at 14:56, Lid said:

In my opinion, no government in the world should have the ability to administer capital punishment for two very simple reasons. Firstly mistakes are made, and so a small number innocent people will be executed. Secondly it allows corrupt officials to falsely convict and execute anyone they feel like.

However I do agree that we should start sentencing those found guilty of all crimes appropriately.


I think with today's dna evidence there would be no doubt of guilt, then they should be executed. 

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Crimes most certainly black gang related,how many white kids appear in drilling videos or stab someone for disrespecting their postcode,its tribal warfare,its any shithole African country replaced with a London sink-estate and tribal battles are re-enacted once again,two weeks back there was a black kid stabbed in Kingston on the Cambridge estate,i have just passed the spot,a pile of dead withered flowers and a couple of pics in frames of the victim.

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  On 17/08/2018 at 16:45, marshman said:

You’d put in front of a firing squad, they’re doing a good job of killing them selves on their own no firing squad needed  lol 

theyre keeping their battles amongst their own fair play I say 


Dont waste good ammunition.

 Colour sargent   form a line, on the double.  And don't forget...... Mark your target,  watch your front, Mark your target.

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  On 17/08/2018 at 15:50, mackem said:

Crimes most certainly black gang related,how many white kids appear in drilling videos or stab someone for disrespecting their postcode,its tribal warfare,its any shithole African country replaced with a London sink-estate and tribal battles are re-enacted once again,two weeks back there was a black kid stabbed in Kingston on the Cambridge estate,i have just passed the spot,a pile of dead withered flowers and a couple of pics in frames of the victim.


the authorities know exactly were the problem lies .for the life of me i can not understand why they dont deal with it ..


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  On 17/08/2018 at 17:24, riohog said:

the authorities know exactly were the problem lies .for the life of me i can not understand why they dont deal with it ..



Do the authorities give a monkey's ? What do you propose that ain't going to cost anything ?  It won't be long before this crop will be reproducing and drawing the benefit. They can't be told off and sent home.  They'll either stop thjis  silliness  or become such a threat that there will be a bit of a round-up. a la kenny everett.  Round em up in a field and bomb the ba$./@£&s

StiIl theyr'e only a few very frightened kids. They have to hide behind masks.

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  On 17/08/2018 at 17:53, timmytree said:


How many innocent people will be killed by these animals if they're not removed? Not just the criminals but their gene pool as well.

There are some people out there that are despicable scum, they don't have any idea of decency, just steal, lie, cheat and prey on the elderly, weak or infirm.

They don't deserve to live.


They can still be removed to prison until the end of their lives. Yes there is a cost, but this is something comes with any 'civilised' society.

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  On 17/08/2018 at 15:43, Gav said:

I think with today's dna evidence there would be no doubt of guilt, then they should be executed. 


Although it is extremely useful, DNA evidence does not necessarily give certainty. It is just a aid to determining guilt and can be misinterpreted, contaminated and abused. There have already been a number of miscarriages of justice based on DNA evidence.


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