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Knives and multi tools.

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  On 12/08/2018 at 19:31, jsb said:

Hi everyone. Looking for a recommendation for a small pocket knife or multi tool. 


A lot would depend on your tool requirements. Leatherman makes an excellent product, IMHO and these are very handy. The plain old Victorinox Swiss Army Knife can't be overlooked either.

EDIT: This one if you're feeling flush...

  On 12/08/2018 at 19:31, jsb said:

Also recommendations for a fixed blade


Mora. Hold a decent edge and cheap enough that you won't cry when you lose it.

Edited by ChrisJones
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It all depends what you intend to use the knife for. I've got all sorts. The sharpest knife that I have ever come across is a Helle, like this,  https://goo.gl/images/c2gzXS   I've had Swiss army, Leatherman wave, ect all sorts. Don't forget it is illegal to have a blade of more than 3"or more than  that Including the handle if it is a lock knife in a public place without good reason. I remember some old boy got pulled up for a blown rearlight and plod immediately searched his glovebox and found a knife  that the old boy used as a picknick knife when he went out with his wife. He was arrested and done for having an offensive weapon in a public place. I now carry either a simple cheapo budget plastic handle jobby or a stainless British Army knife like this, 》》》 https://www.outdoorgb.com/p/whitby_genuine_british_army_knife_pk128/

Surprisingly the budget cheapo Chinese  knife has a very good stainless blade which holds a sharp edge.

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I use these most of the time now . The little dime is an edc but because the suspension has a locking blade I only use it while I’m out with the dogs or fishing . They are not bad , maybe not quite leatherman quality but good enough for what I want and they are not that expensive . 


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Don't forget it is illegal to have a blade of more than 3"or more than  that Including the handle if it is a lock knife in a public place without good reason. The majority of these knives are outside of the legal boundary uncles you have good reason. I stopped caŕying  my wave because it was a locker. The local gun shop told me about one of their customers who was just having a quiet drink in a local pub when a fight broke out. Ha was nothing to do with it and by the time plod turned up those involved had left but plod searched everyone in the bar and found a small cartridge style locking knife on his bloke and did him for carrying in a public place. They then  revoked his shotgun cert because of it. bstds.  Be careful.

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