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A foxy Hat trick !

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Three in the truck , but not from the area where I’ve been having problems. These were off the stubbles. The second night after the cut is usually more productive I find . Went into the first field and saw Charlie, they haven’t bailed  the straw  yet so it’s all in rows . Charlie was behind a row of straw and I couldn’t see him properly , moved the mule to get level with him but when I got the gun up he’d gone . Whizzed around the other side of the hedge and just as I suspected there he was , side on 100 meters or so , and number one was down . The next one was a fox that I knew was about but hadn’t seen for a couple of weeks and I reckon it was just feeding itself with the odd poult , no disturbance or mass killing , a real sly old vixen . But not that sly . I was stopped in the middle of the stubbles answering a text and when I finished I had a sip of tea . I got the thermal out and had a scan , nothing but a few rabbits and a roe doe . But then I noticed a faint glow in the hedge and I continued watching . Eventually the vixen emerged very cautiously, she was completely unaware of my presence and the 223 50 grain game head made a bit of a mess of her . I then spent most of the night looking for that troublesome fox , but I reckon he’s sleeping off a pheasant dinner . Drove along a track through a large wheat field and heard the unmistakable sound of a little owl mobbing a fox . Sure enough my instincts hadn’t been wrong. One of this years cubs in was having a forage in the straw . We’ve got a few little owls about and they make a real racket when Charlie is  about , they are my new favourite bird . An easy shot of 70 or so meters and I called it a night with a hat trick. On a different note , I used a new IR add on that I was recommended by David Evans , the Ward B501 with a ruby dark sun pil . Cheers DE it it a lot better than the T20 I’d had before.


Edited by shovel leaner
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Nice shooting mate. I had two last night, that makes 8 this week. First One was a vixen came to the caller lovely through a cover crop and at 100 yards I turned the caller off and she presented broadside and down she tumbled. Number two was a 285 yard shot. I saw it mooching in the middle of a 50 acre field but the wind was blowing straight towards him but I was still a long long way off him at this point and he was unaware of my presence. So I turned round went out of the field drove all the way around him having a belt of trees and cover crop between me and him. I popped up behind him this time with the wind in my favour. Got the rifle out the truck and rested on the bonnet and boom down he went.EE3F4128-BB70-460B-A5E6-5B227905FD23.thumb.jpeg.ddd33e5c942ac26b83d041170b8ada7b.jpeg


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Well done on the fox control!

SL on the subject of i/r the ruby pilled torches are ok but they emit a very bright red glow due to being only 820nm. Whilst this may not be a problem most of the time, it definately is when a lamp shy fox turns up on your patch. The fox will spot the red glow at a fair old distance and disappear quickly. I bought a Dragonfly 500mw laser  i/r because the signature it gives off is very small and virtually undetectable so enabling me to kill lamp shy foxes. The only draw back with the Dragonfly is they are made by Starlight who are a really poor company to deal with. They have no quality control procedures in place at all so it is pot luck whether you get a good one or not. However there is now another chap making a 500mw laser on facebook and they are cheaper and better than the Dragonfly.

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5 hours ago, ianm said:

Well done on the fox control!

SL on the subject of i/r the ruby pilled torches are ok but they emit a very bright red glow due to being only 820nm. Whilst this may not be a problem most of the time, it definately is when a lamp shy fox turns up on your patch. The fox will spot the red glow at a fair old distance and disappear quickly. I bought a Dragonfly 500mw laser  i/r because the signature it gives off is very small and virtually undetectable so enabling me to kill lamp shy foxes. The only draw back with the Dragonfly is they are made by Starlight who are a really poor company to deal with. They have no quality control procedures in place at all so it is pot luck whether you get a good one or not. However there is now another chap making a 500mw laser on facebook and they are cheaper and better than the Dragonfly.

That’s interesting and helpful. I didn’t know that . But you can see that it’s a fair old lens on the ward ir . The foxes last night didn’t bother about it .Guess I’ll stick with this set up for the moment, I’ve only just got it , and it definitely improves the image quality and range that you can see clearly. I’m not going to start stretching my ranges though . Rather it’s just nice to get a better picture for bullet placement. 

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1 hour ago, Stavross said:

Nice work, that .223 50 grain has wrecked that vixen, did you shoot her in the bib or side on

Side on Stavross , sometimes you pick them up and you can’t even see where the bullit hit other times they do that . Anyway dead’s dead as they say . I like to as a rule hit them side on just behind th shoulder . But as you know yourself , they don’t always want to play ball . If the range is reasonable I will shoot them in the head or front on or even a Texas heart shot if they are running away . 

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