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Some do an ounce pal........

when I was a boy most of the lurchers in my area were deerhound based, and decent dogs in reality, but I was a smug little b*****d cos I got a saluki lurcher, and at that time 1969 there were very few

The thing that a lot of people don't realise is that a hare won't hit top speed until the dog is right behind it. It might look as though it's going flat out, but watch it go down a gear or two when t

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  On 30/07/2018 at 19:57, Kerny92 said:

Why is the selling of coursing dogs for crazy amounts of money accepted by folk on here who would cry murder at anyone else selling pups for a price not even close to that? 

That's not a pop at the coursing lads but more a question to those on here. 

Why do they get a free pass whereas others get ripped to shreds? 


Have to agree

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  On 30/07/2018 at 21:02, Kerny92 said:

My point is not to have a go at the lads with the coursing dogs, they can charge what they like and if folk buy them then good on them I say. My point is more aimed at some on here who jump on other folk selling their dogs or pups at a high price yet don't do the same to the lads with coursing dogs who sell them for much more.


Alot of the money in them coursing dogs is down to the amount of money getting betted on them f***ing the hare!

yes proper f***ing!!! 

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you can buy a line bred coursing pup for a couple of hundred, bring it up well enter it when it is physically and mentally ready and that may not be at the same time so be patient and you may get a world beater or pay a few grand and stick yer chest out, its your choice as for colly crosses killing hares I can assure  any one unless its a freak it wont kill 3 winter hares coursed proper any where, I had a whippet sized bitch with saluki and beddlington in it that used to kill foxes single handed in winter and make a proper job of it, but I aren't daft enough to compare that to a proper fox dog, and as for fen dogs we used that term for a dog that could not catch one any where else.

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  On 31/07/2018 at 20:49, two crows said:

you can buy a line bred coursing pup for a couple of hundred, bring it up well enter it when it is physically and mentally ready and that may not be at the same time so be patient and you may get a world beater or pay a few grand and stick yer chest out, its your choice as for colly crosses killing hares I can assure  any one unless its a freak it wont kill 3 winter hares coursed proper any where, I had a whippet sized bitch with saluki and beddlington in it that used to kill foxes single handed in winter and make a proper job of it, but I aren't daft enough to compare that to a proper fox dog, and as for fen dogs we used that term for a dog that could not catch one any where else.


The dog caught 3 around Oct/Nov time, i was into Hare catching not coursing. 2 out of the 3 were decent slips as well.

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  On 31/07/2018 at 21:03, Rabbit Hunter said:

The answer (to the original question) is Hare Coursing matches have big wagers on them whereas a couple of digs on a Sunday morning don't. And it's a simple as that I think.


Coursing dogs can be competitively compared with each other unlike most of the other dogs on here. This means that the supply of the 'better' coursing dogs is naturally lower than the demand. This pushes prices up.  On the other hand lurchers are often bred by people who want a pup of their dog / bitch and a few people who want to extend 'their' line. In addition to this there are a lot of random matings. Despite the often insane rantings on here Lurcher owners tend to be relaxed dog owners who tolerate a higher degree in variability in areas like colour, size, shape etc than other pedigree dog owners. This means there is an over supply of lurchers many of which will do a job for their owner - what ever that is. The consequence of this is lurchers are cheep but also fabulous dogs because they are by design fast, strong, biddable etc have not been too tightly bred. Essentially if you own a lurcher you are an microecconomic genius.   

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