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Should the heads of the BBC roll ?

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I read somewhere that when all of the court costs, legal costs and compensation is tallied up the cost will run into many millions. It is said that he has spent nearly 4 million on legal costs.  South Yorkshire police have spent £800000 investigating false claims agains him then paid him £400000 in compensation + they have to pay 35% of today's award. All in all he has come out on top and given them a good ragging about. He don't need the money and will probably give it all away to charity. I seem to remember over thirty years ago he was reputed to give something like 20k away to charity each week.

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There's no honor these days years ago they would have the decency to bow there heads and walk away with the package these days there's no shame they  will ride out the storm and claim there wages 

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Absolutely yes, heads should roll!

I have said for years, the practice of splashing the name of someone who has simply been accused of something all over the media is a total f***ing outrage !.........it destroys lives with unproven rumours.

More than the sack, they should go to prison as should the accuser if allegations are found to be without substance.

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20 minutes ago, WILF said:

Absolutely yes, heads should roll!

I have said for years, the practice of splashing the name of someone who has simply been accused of something all over the media is a total f***ing outrage !.........it destroys lives with unproven rumours.

More than the sack, they should go to prison as should the accuser if allegations are found to be without substance.

Spot on far to many these days just throw out accusations that can literally destroy life's knowing they have the sympathy from the law even though nothing has been proven. 

Then walk away Scot free while leaving the other parties life in tatters. Then continue the slander online. They should be given heavy sentences for false witness. 


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The BBC's extortion racket can't survive much longer in this current climate. 

It is a shocking rip off and in place to fleece the general public. Also illegal in the sense that public servants is police and courts are used to enforce a private business.

Politicians backing it on the promise when they retire from politics they get a job on the BBC board 2days a week for a huge salary. 

They even legislated you need a licence if you owned a smartphone. f**k them and f**k those leeches they send out to harrass folk. 



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I think that its a bit naughty when someone can just say anything about anyone and some plod lines his pocket by tipping off the news about it. If there is substance in the claim the law will sort it out. If it is found to be a malicious claim then the person  that made any false allegation  should be held to account.  Not just custodial but financial  also. Any plod found leaking information should be suspended and if proven guilty not allowed to resign or retire but made to forfeit any payouts and pensions. In this case Cliff Richard had loads of  money available to fight it and others such as Rod Stuart were willing to put their hands in their pockets to back him up. The legal costs will run into many millions alone.  I think that there is going to be another case to sort out compensations regarding a book, music tours. Record releases ect, ect. How much would you have available to fight a claim that you were a pedo even though you are innocent ?  I personally hope that several arses are well and truly kicked up Round their ears, not just about this but the high and mighty attitude that some have about stuff like this and only when forced to they begrudgingly print a very small appology in an obscure corner of a page somewhere. There should be serious consequences. If it is true then ok it does need to be exposed. But the law should be allowed and be able to Investigate privately and decide if there is a case and then to go from there.

Edited by Meece
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True story

Worked with a guy his teenage son met some girl from Edinburgh on either Facebook or some other of these sites.

Anyway they exchanged numbers and for few months messaged each other and sent pics talked sex etc .

Then she decided she was coming to meet him his parents were on holiday.

Prior to meet she had sent text saying she wanted raped tied up kinkier the better.

He picked her up off train went back to his. She spent the night he took her back to station next day. He tried texting her see that she got home ok.no answer so he just thought it was a one night stand.

3months passed then out of the blue the cops appeared at my workmate door.

You're son has been accused of an assault (sexual) rape to be specific. 

No warrant nothing took the lad to station asked him to tell her s side. Then asked my workmate if he would give permission to check his son's room. Foolishly he allowed it. Had him in the station for a good few hours then released him. Said "you probably won't hear anymore but once forensic has checked her clothes if anything comes up be back to speak to you.

Swear this kid lost weight wouldn't eat his mum and dad took turns staying in to watch him as he kept saying he wanted to kill himself. The cops had a record of the text she sent him they had Also spoken to all his neighbours. They never ever got back in touch with this kid to set his mind at rest. Fortunately he better now but his dad says he's a changed kid and terrified that any of his mates find out .

Now that can't be right. 

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The majority of police time is spent nowerdays dealing with domestic violence and sex cases.  I know of  a senior officer who openly stated that all sexual allegations had to be thoroughly investigated because if the they wernt  and another Jimmy Saville type case popped out of the woodwork it would be his pension that would be on the line and he would be dragged through the courts.....

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18 hours ago, mackem said:


, yeh they were wrong , everybody  needs and wants   private time to there selves , but i still think  as do most other people , that he is a queer , he lives with male tour manger, and as done for years. it does make you think though whats gone on behind them locked big doors  on his property , still as they say   innocent till proven guilty  .?? 

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