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Bad run of luck

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the joys of theory , please show us a terrier you have bred that works or any terrier that you have worked , working meaning dug to,  a empty vessel make the most noise ..you've been on these boards f

Are you sure you're not Brian plummer risen from the dead? ?? You sound very book smart. I imagine shane was well aware his bitch was due to pup. Bitches often pup early on their own without someone p

Just been reading this thread and I do find you a bit out of order ace boon coon.there's nothing like kicking a man when he's down I'm sure the lads gutted about loosing 3 pups I would be and probably

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  On 08/07/2018 at 15:26, dillydog said:

Jesus  that's a  brilliant price, my vets a good bloke who's the same price but I hear some scary stories from other lads where vet bills come into it


To be fair that’s that the most he has ever charged me. He had to come from his house to the sergery today to stitch the bitch in his Sunday best cloths. He charged me 50 and he said the anistetic is 35 for her

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  On 08/07/2018 at 16:18, shaneg said:

What am I supposed to do leave the rest of my dogs locked in there kennels for the next 3 weeks 


This tells you that you are not ready to breed. And that your young. First off if you knew she was about dew you should of been taking her temp to tell you within 24hrs of when they will be arriving. Second you should of had a room ready with a whelping box in it with a border on the inside of the box so the mother doesn't roll on the pups and kill them. And the reason for having her away from the other dog's is so she doesn't stress out. A streesing bitch sometimes doesn't produce enough milk because of the stress. And also if she was away from the stress she wouldn't of pulled her stitches out. Every thing that happened  could of been and should of been avoided. And now 4 pups are gone and those could of been the best one's in the litter. I'm surprised nobody eles has said something  about this. I wouldn't doubt if she rolls over more and kills them.

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She’s in a kennell on her own blinded of from the rest of the dogs in a good big bench 4 ft by 4ft. She can’t see any other dogs. She’s a first time mother it’s all new to her. You would be better of working your dogs and not worry about pedigrees and my dogs 

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  On 08/07/2018 at 17:10, shaneg said:

She’s in a kennell on her own blinded of from the rest of the dogs in a good big bench 4 ft by 4ft. She can’t see any other dogs. She’s a first time mother it’s all new to her. You would be better of working your dogs and not worry about pedigrees and my dogs 


well siad shane

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You guy's must be real young. Sorry but he lost 4 pups and his bitch split open her stiches. Does not sound like a good dog man at all to me. He didn't even k ow his bitch was having pups. He woke up to her having pups. Any decent breeder when it gets close to the time she is supposed to have them starts to take the temp of the dog so they have atleast a 24 hr notice. And the bitch rolled over 3 pups which tells me he didn't even have a border in the whelping box. And it sounds like he also didn't have a whelping box. And shane it doesn't matter if she could see the other dog's she know's there there and stresses them out. And her ripping out her stichs should if told you that one. Wow talk about being slow. Lmao!!!! This stupid yank whelps his pups away from the dogs in a stress free area with a whelping box with a border wrapping  around on the inside so the bitch can't squish them.  maybe that's why i never had a problem like this?? and if my bitch had a couple pups in the morning and i new there was more and they weren't coming i wouldn't of waited till night to bring her in. Not gonna argue with you know it all. I said what i wanted to.

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  On 08/07/2018 at 19:11, Ace Boone coon said:

You guy's must be real young. Sorry but he lost 4 pups and his bitch split open her stiches. Does not sound like a good dog man at all to me. He didn't even k ow his bitch was having pups. He woke up to her having pups. Any decent breeder when it gets close to the time she is supposed to have them starts to take the temp of the dog so they have atleast a 24 hr notice. And the bitch rolled over 3 pups which tells me he didn't even have a border in the whelping box. And it sounds like he also didn't have a whelping box. And shane it doesn't matter if she could see the other dog's she know's there there and stresses them out. And her ripping out her stichs should if told you that one. Wow talk about being slow. Lmao!!!! This stupid yank whelps his pups away from the dogs in a stress free area with a whelping box with a border wrapping  around on the inside so the bitch can't squish them.  maybe that's why i never had a problem like this?? and if my bitch had a couple pups in the morning and i new there was more and they weren't coming i wouldn't of waited till night to bring her in. Not gonna argue with you know it all. I said what i wanted to.


Are you sure you're not Brian plummer risen from the dead? ?? You sound very book smart. I imagine shane was well aware his bitch was due to pup. Bitches often pup early on their own without someone prodding and poking and singing the star spangled banner at them with a thermometer stuck up there hole. I don't really think it's anyones place to be questioning his kennel management. There's more to being a good dog man than rattling off bullet points out of a book on whelping. Accidents happen in life in the best of kennels.

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Who said I didn’t no she was starting to pup. I knew all day she was up again pupping and she didn’t start till half 5. She had one pup i left her be and went out and hour later to check her and she had another and then another and so be. But from half 8 till 11 nothing so I took her to the vet. You go buy ur second rate dogs in and don’t be bothering me I’ll just bred my own and get gifted pups as I always do. 

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My knowledge didn't come from a book. It came from year's of listening and learning from some great dog men. And yes accidents do happen. But what happened here was not a accident but done out of lack of knowlege. And his bitch didn't welp early it was a day late actually he said. More of a reason to check her temp. And if she was ready to have pups she should of been put up in the whelping box and watchimg her. She would of showed him signs she is getting ready to pop. Like a thing called nesting or even discharge eating patteren chages. Ever here of that? But he would of never known that seeing she was in a kennel and more then likey didn't watch or he would of seen the signs.

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  On 08/07/2018 at 14:01, shaneg said:

So I had a bitch due to pup Tuesday. Went out Monday and she had 3 pups but it was hours apart. So another check  nothing else coming by 11 that night I was checking the bitch and green discharge was coming out of her and a phone call to the vets and she was in for a section. Left there with 8 pups. Stayed up most the night getting the pups sucking. The next day the runt died which didn’t surprise me. Since then she has lay on 3 more. Went out this morning and everything was grand so took the dogs for a walk came back and started cleaninh them out and got to her kennel and she had her stitches burst open so back into the vet and sowed her up again. Hopefully that’s the end of a bad run. The vet reckoned it’s only the 3rd bitch he’s seen burst her stitches in 40 years. 


See what you said. You went out and she had 3 pups. Well i take it you werent there. Then you left her alone and came back latter and she had more. Lmao! Any good breeder wouldn't of left her while she was whelping in case she needed help. Once again on you.

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