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The terriers and terriermen of Ireland!

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  On 16/07/2018 at 13:37, fat man said:

The working of terriers in Ireland has gone too money mad I reckon. I can remember a time when almost everyone in the game was willing to gift a pup or help a lad out but not anymore there is so much jealousy in the game now that the fun is gone out of it. I used to dig with lads from all over and if a dog worked we'll everyone was happy but if a dog failed we'll you just carried on regardless but nowadays some lads would love to see other lads dogs f**k up. I like to see other men's dogs work as it gets boring digging your own all the time so something different is a nice change. Their was some good lads in the book that do a he'll of a lot of digging and more that do a bit but everyone to their own some may not have as much time as others or have access to as much digging. I myself and the men I dig with try to get out as much as possible and we put plenty of work in front of our dogs which makes for a good terrier I believe the more it see's the better it gets.the book to me was much like a dog show a bit of fun nothing to take serious as the field is where a good terrier proves its worth.


Have to say FM in the circles we mix in it's still the same, gifting pups and happy to see other's terriers go well is still the norm..?

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Anyone that wants to see a other man's dog fail a dig shouldn't be in the game.

The working of terriers in Ireland has gone too money mad I reckon. I can remember a time when almost everyone in the game was willing to gift a pup or help a lad out but not anymore there is so much

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I no of 1 or 2 men who are like that. They love to see other men's dogs fail. I don't know why as everyone has dogs fail as some stage. Think it's a jealously thing tbh. My dogs are better than his dogs type of thing. Personally I enjoy seeing any good terrier graft, doesn't matter who it belongs to. 

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  On 16/07/2018 at 17:10, Liamboy said:

I no of 1 or 2 men who are like that. They love to see other men's dogs fail. I don't know why as everyone has dogs fail as some stage. Think it's a jealously thing tbh. My dogs are better than his dogs type of thing. Personally I enjoy seeing any good terrier graft, doesn't matter who it belongs to. 


Anyone that wants to see a other man's dog fail a dig shouldn't be in the game.

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  On 16/07/2018 at 16:19, foxdropper said:

As to the failing bit fat man I agree and is the reason I no longer travel to invites .Went to Wales this season just gone to use my Holly bitch and was lulled into a false sense of  security .My fault entirely as I took the man's word but 4.2 aint no joke at 3.30 in the afternoon .We passed up very run of the  mill places that looked no more than  1.5 deep in nice loam ,time was getting on , then I was shown a place on the flat that he said he'd dug many times at under a metre .The spoil should of rang alarm bells but never did  but the stupid grin on his face definitely did as the bitch slid away. He said she won't be long in as the f***ing thing gets dug weekly .The grin was missing from matey at 1.30am when we broke through to a battered dog ,I could of backfilled the c**t but kept my cool as always .Heard from another lad 2 weeks later he wanted the bitch to fail .If your reading this butty your a c**t and don't deserve the dog you had been gifted previous . .I've no problem with whatever comes along as long as I'm aware of the consequences. I've never had a lad here to fail and go out my way to get as much work for them as possible .Even stocking holes on the odd occasion lol.


Had the same a few seasons ago while on an invite with the local footpack when one of the locals pipes up and asks if the terrier lads wanted to try a couple of handy places. With shouts of don’t you whores be going to far from the huntsman we were taken to a place he called a puppy earth, I had a first season dog with me with only a handful of digs over him and was told this place would be perfect for him but new something wasn’t right because he’d told us on the way the English lads dig it regular when there over but there wasn’t a scar in sight, anyway after taking a look about and checking with the bar turns out the whole place was like granite and when a little bolting bitch was run through seems the game was parked up at over 5 mitres deep. If I had of seen even one old scar that young terrier would of been collared up and dropped without a thought.

Edited by dogmandont
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 You should never ask anyone  ,to drop a dog somewhere you would not enter a dog yourself,if I have someone out on an invite and there dog comes away or fails to complete the dig,one of mine will be offered the hole,and I will always say to the guest on arriving at the hole, that if he doesn’t want to drop his dog I’ll be dropping mine,that way he knows he’s not being set up for a fail

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