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Common beginner mistakes to avoid!

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  On 08/07/2018 at 21:17, nothernlite said:

100% true some belters on here 


It’s not just on here it’s everywhere. Go to work and har people chat shit all day but you do find genuine people that want to help people when they need help. We all have the ability to pick through the information given and discard the bullshit. It’s nice to be nice 

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Avoid the police at all cost lol 

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  On 08/07/2018 at 21:11, blackmaggie said:

Your on form tonight Morton everyone has different amounts of gear they can put in front of there dogs whether that be time or area your a educated lad instead of trying to belittle folk why not give them the benefit of your experience in a positive way for once 


Why?,they allready know more than me or anyfecker else,its fecking impossible to educate a turd.Ive offered more assistance to some than most,most know more and are happier in their bullshit nirvana.Benefit from my experience?,the fecking nuggets on here would fail to count to ten without taking their fecking socks off.

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  On 08/07/2018 at 21:21, morton said:

Why?,they allready know more than me or anyfecker else,its fecking impossible to educate a turd.Ive offered more assistance to some than most,most know more and are happier in their bullshit nirvana.Benefit from my experience?,the fecking nuggets on here would fail to count to ten without taking their fecking socks off.


Come on Morton your a nice guy deep down I bet behind all that filthy talk ??? what’s pissed you off speak to the lads we’re here to help you ?

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  On 08/07/2018 at 21:20, Who let the dogs out! said:

It’s not just on here it’s everywhere. Go to work and har people chat shit all day but you do find genuine people that want to help people when they need help. We all have the ability to pick through the information given and discard the bullshit. It’s nice to be nice 


Very true meet  a few

 decent guys here and facebook 

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  On 08/07/2018 at 21:24, blackmaggie said:

You do have a way with words Morton ? 


I lived for lurchers,i spent the majority of my life hurting racey mongrels and making them earn their corn,i destroyed a mutt or 7 in my pursuit of a long fecking chaser,i even went to Scotland to further my ambition,cheers Mik,the only lad id give a blow job.Ive spent more time than most in the pursuit of a dirty fecking mongrel that could run,run a tad longer and kill anything that interrupted its ambition,few folk on here have ever owned runners id feed and the majority on this site have the ambition of a newt that cannot swim.I used to hunt lurchers that could hunt,lurchers that could earn their corn and then become a tad above average.Id like to believe the majority on here had something in common with me,they don,t and thats a fact thats represented by the shite they slip,another fact that will agitate another turd or 3 on here.

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  On 08/07/2018 at 21:39, morton said:

I lived for lurchers,i spent the majority of my life hurting racey mongrels and making them earn their corn,i destroyed a mutt or 7 in my pursuit of a long fecking chaser,i even went to Scotland to further my ambition,cheers Mik,the only lad id give a blow job.Ive spent more time than most in the pursuit of a dirty fecking mongrel that could run,run a tad longer and kill anything that interrupted its ambition,few folk on here have ever owned runners id feed and the majority on this site have the ambition of a newt that cannot swim.I used to hunt lurchers that could hunt,lurchers that could earn their corn and then become a tad above average.Id like to believe the majority on here had something in common with me,they don,t and thats a fact thats represented by the shite they slip,another fact that will agitate another turd or 3 on here.


Good on you for your commitment. Some people just have different priorities and lifestyles that’s all. Everyone is different. Fair play to you though. I wasn’t trying to offend you just thought you was being abit sharp mate that’s all and thats fine, I can be sharp sometimes too. I found it funny more than anything. ???

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  On 08/07/2018 at 20:29, morton said:

The biggest mistake with any lurcher enterer now is believing the shite spouted on sites like this,the average lurcher,owned by the average owner is responsible for the vast majority of lurcher work,don,t get into the mindset of nuggets and feckwit chancers that will make you believe that what they own is fecking superior,its just owned by a superior tinternet egoistic chancer.Graft the fecking thing and forget the tinternet nonsense,the majority on here could not keep a pig clean.


The only post of yours I agree on what you have said?me and a member of this site agreed to meet and buy a single handed half cross of another member on this site afew years back now( who most look up too and his dogs)? well let’s just say it didn’t go well an 10 mins in to it when the knife had to come out PREBAN saying the dog had done its job ? was left in the field with his single handed dog blowing out its arse still struggling ? (that’s the hunting life)

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  On 08/07/2018 at 21:59, mud said:

The only post of yours I agree on what you have said?me and a member of this site agreed to meet and buy a single handed half cross of another member on this site afew years back now( who most look up too and his dogs)? well let’s just say it didn’t go well an 10 mins in to it when the knife had to come out PREBAN saying the dog had done its job ? was left in the field with his single handed dog blowing out its arse still struggling ? (that’s the hunting life)


I ventured forth for a line out of an all singing ,dancing,running and superlative line of Deerhoundy mongrels,the fecking dog could not jump the first gate it encounterd.

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  On 08/07/2018 at 21:21, morton said:

Why?,they allready know more than me or anyfecker else,its fecking impossible to educate a turd.Ive offered more assistance to some than most,most know more and are happier in their bullshit nirvana.Benefit from my experience?,the fecking nuggets on here would fail to count to ten without taking their fecking socks off.


I can count to12 on just my fingers & thumbs ?. Atb

Edited by Dinosaurs
Bad grammar
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  On 08/07/2018 at 21:39, morton said:

I lived for lurchers,i spent the majority of my life hurting racey mongrels and making them earn their corn,i destroyed a mutt or 7 in my pursuit of a long fecking chaser,i even went to Scotland to further my ambition,cheers Mik,the only lad id give a blow job.Ive spent more time than most in the pursuit of a dirty fecking mongrel that could run,run a tad longer and kill anything that interrupted its ambition,few folk on here have ever owned runners id feed and the majority on this site have the ambition of a newt that cannot swim.I used to hunt lurchers that could hunt,lurchers that could earn their corn and then become a tad above average.Id like to believe the majority on here had something in common with me,they don,t and thats a fact thats represented by the shite they slip,another fact that will agitate another turd or 3 on here.


Christ im agitated

Thanks god

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Young lads need to stop projecting thoughts into the dogs head and  see pups for what they are , every pup is working off a preprogrammed script that first and foremost involves prey making 

anytime a pup gets stimulated it slips into a prey making reflex just because it’s a f***ing  cushion in the sitting room , doesn’t make it any less real in the pups state of mind , it’s a mind set we need to work with 

if we constantly confront a pup for displaying and acting  on a stimulated state , we create problems for the recall and many other behaviours  later in maturity 

from a pups point of view ‘“when I’m excited /stimulated by something this f****r slaps me I can’t be around him when I’m excited “ which also make anything remotely  preylike much more attractive than you 

its not personal with the pup , it’s nature and when it’s not in a excited state, it'll return 

dog training is not planting seeds of habits or problems you have to fix later when the habit has dug a deep furrow in a pup mindset . 

Each time you confront the little f****r you cause resistance which won’t show until high value items are involved  

every pup is working off an Attraction verses Resistance script  it’s nothing to do with being the boss or defiance or any of that thoughts projected leanings we have, management of pups is the key 

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Common beginners mistakes to avoid 

listening to self proclaimed dog men of yesteryear who claim to have done it all had it all and ended up with f**k all! Sorry of the internet life of old age moaners

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