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Argh, dirty little rotter!

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Put some rock sulphur in his water its used for cooling their blood but works nearly everytime for them that gets a taste for eating their own :sick:

Wow thanks guys, there's some great tip's there! :yes: I'm trying the pineapple one first, because I have some to hand, then if that fails I'll look for the alternative's for sure.

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Guest nitevision

ay rock sulpher is the stuff,get it from any decent pet shop,put a lump in water bowl,i had a bitch that was that into it she was eating it as it came out the other dogs arse :sick: she wasnt that keen after this was added to water. :thumbs:

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Guest buster321c

My dog started to do this couple of months before i had him put to sleep , he had started to loose a lot of weight and from what the vet told me he had many problems ( old age was the main reason ) , liver , kidneys , fluid on the lungs , these were age related problems but he started this habit and i am sure he did it to try and get as much nutrition out of his food as possable , like his body craved it, to be hoest it did`nt worry me too much .

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My dog started to do this couple of months before i had him put to sleep , he had started to loose a lot of weight and from what the vet told me he had many problems ( old age was the main reason ) , liver , kidneys , fluid on the lungs , these were age related problems but he started this habit and i am sure he did it to try and get as much nutrition out of his food as possable , like his body craved it, to be hoest it did`nt worry me too much .

Well.... I'm trying not to get excited at the moment, but so far, he's not done it since having a chunk of pineapple in his food either! Pretty amazing result if stays that way, and totaly harmless too!

If things do revert...(I'm going to give it a few days first).... then I'll try one of the other methods suggested. Thanks people you're all great! :D:clapper::D

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