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fires on saddleworth and winterhill

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, watching the effects of the fire on the wildlife and the people in the surrounding areas, complete devastation for all concerned, mainly the gamekeepers with there grouse population struggling for yea irs, and the livestock losses for farmers, dread to think of the rabbits, hares and wild birds that have perished over the last few days, I take my hat off to the fireman, army, gamekeepers and farmers who are doing their damndest to control what has to be one massive devastation on the moors for years, only hope ,is for some rain to come to dampen things down, Australia and the states would probably have had it under control by now, more geared up I suppose, lets hope that the sevices get these fires under control soon.


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I’m heavily involved with the fire at Saddleworth, been in the moor most days helping with fire fighting. Back on tomorrow 

From earlier this week. The soles on my boots were melting ?

, watching the effects of the fire on the wildlife and the people in the surrounding areas, complete devastation for all concerned, mainly the gamekeepers with there grouse population struggling for y

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As harsh as it sounds fire is just part of the cycle of nature.

A few weeks after some good rain fall.them moors will be a lush green.and will attract loads of wildlife back onto them.

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A lad I know has sheep up there just down from the moor,  he said the first fire has been blamed on a discarded cigarette, if this isn’t an advert for the full game management of moorland I don’t know what is, there needs to be controlled burning to create fire barriers, so if some little dickhead decides to have a fire it’s easier to control and hopefully will not go on to devastate a massive part of the moor

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I feel sorry for the fire crews and the locals that are out 24/7 doing there best to stop the spread, they asked for help from the army and around 100 were sent out, there is a massive army base at catterick and layburn stuffed with young lads they should be at the disposal of the fire crews

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  On 30/06/2018 at 11:07, Stavross said:

A lad I know has sheep up there just down from the moor,  he said the first fire has been blamed on a discarded cigarette, if this isn’t an advert for the full game management of moorland I don’t know what is, there needs to be controlled burning to create fire barriers, so if some little dickhead decides to have a fire it’s easier to control and hopefully will not go on to devastate a massive part of the moor


Agreed. And it's f***ing shameful that the keepers helping out haven't had a mention in the press.

I think I'm right in saying these moors aren't keepered but in the hands of the RSPB?

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  On 30/06/2018 at 12:14, socks said:

Why should soldiers be at the disposal of anyone unless it's a war time situation .......


Haven't the armed forces been at the government's disposal in emergencies since forever? Soldiers might not like it but it's not something new. And frankly these days the more valuable they are in auxiliary roles the better before some c**t with a biro wipes out more of them so as to afford a new f***ing MRI for the NHS or some other shite. 

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They said some one on a bike discarded a fag that's what started it then they arrested someone from Bolton the fire crews have done a tactical retreat of winter hill this afternoon in case the fire join they thought another at rivington  had started last night but it was campers in the area had lit a fire  it is bad up there they've been shutting roads and paths all over  and now the wind as changed direction it's going to be a long slog and no rain forecasted 

Edited by blackmaggie
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