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  On 29/06/2018 at 20:45, Herbert77 said:

No I have two of his sons I’m looking for something a bit different as mine are close if you put to much billy blood in they might be shy 


Thats an understatment.Ive seen whole litters of that Billy bred stuff that were nervous wrecks.Did he actually have a line then?From what i saw at his place it was just various crosses of the older Wheeler stuff.

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  On 30/06/2018 at 17:01, Rabbit Hunter said:

I've never seen a nervous one if I'm honest but obviously haven't seen as many as you boys. Can I ask, what actually qualifies as a Wheeler bred dog? Is it anything that goes back to Charlie or Keith?


That Billy dog threw some really nervous stuff.Ive seen stuff that would roll on their backs and piss themselves if you bent down to touch them.When i went to SE's place years ago he had youngsters there peering out from under their benches like skulky ferrets.

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  On 30/06/2018 at 17:39, Rabbit Hunter said:

Fair enough, were them two dogs the defining dogs that set off the 'Wheeler' type then? Was there any others from that era that would qualify? 


There were a few others mate of that type mostly all half brothers of them 2 but them 2 probably saw the most graft and Charlie i would say produced the most workers when bred to different bitches.

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