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  On 07/07/2018 at 13:34, Maximus Ferret said:

?  I've only got experience of one and she's  fine. Quiet and well behaved in the house and in the field. Only thing I'd fault is she's a bit "careful" when after foxes but I don't hunt them deliberately these days. Every border cross I've owned bar one has taken them naturally.

Actually, now I think of it she was a bit sensitive about electric fences for a while and that's annoying here because most rabbits live in stone walls which are lined both sides with shock wires. When she was younger she twice struck at rabbits and got her mouth round a wire so can't blame her really. It's a wonder she still chases at all⚡?

Anyway she's over it now and she's right handy to me as a nose dog hunting woodland and still gets plenty rabbits on the lamp.


My beard border... Mostly beard.. Put me. Off them. As you say over sensitive to wires, and other deals in life. 

Proper guard dog, real protective. Any other dog even looked remotely aggressive and he would go up the wall, especially if I had my kids with me. 

Apart from that he was good ish lol

But the border cross I got now is night an day difference temp wise. 

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  On 07/07/2018 at 13:34, Maximus Ferret said:

?  I've only got experience of one and she's  fine. Quiet and well behaved in the house and in the field. Only thing I'd fault is she's a bit "careful" when after foxes but I don't hunt them deliberately these days. Every border cross I've owned bar one has taken them naturally.

Actually, now I think of it she was a bit sensitive about electric fences for a while and that's annoying here because most rabbits live in stone walls which are lined both sides with shock wires. When she was younger she twice struck at rabbits and got her mouth round a wire so can't blame her really. It's a wonder she still chases at all⚡?

Anyway she's over it now and she's right handy to me as a nose dog hunting woodland and still gets plenty rabbits on the lamp.


Not saying you, and obviously there are bound to be some temperamentally sound beardie and beardie/border x's, but I know some people say their dogs are fine, beardie or beardie/border, but reading between the lines, they are willing to put up with some of their behaviour.  I had one that taffy was sire to. Rubbish on rabbits, didn't even really try, but great on hares and deer, which is what I mostly did. But by f**k, he did my nut in, even though he caught me plenty.  Seen plenty of others, beardie x or beardie/border, from his older dogs and the ones he has now. And almost all of them have been of the same nature, or even worse! 

I will NEVER own another dog with beardie in! Life is far too short lol.

Edited to add, my dog was sired by taffy, but not from hancocks. His d

am was just lurcher to lurcher, but very fast and greyhoundy ?

Edited by shaaark
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  On 07/07/2018 at 14:25, shaaark said:

Not saying you, and obviously there are bound to be some temperamentally sound beardie and beardie/border x's, but I know some people say their dogs are fine, beardie or beardie/border, but reading between the lines, they are willing to put up with some of their behaviour.  I had one that taffy was sire to. Rubbish on rabbits, didn't even really try, but great on hares and deer, which is what I mostly did. But by f**k, he did my nut in, even though he caught me plenty.  Seen plenty of others, beardie x or beardie/border, from his older dogs and the ones he has now. And almost all of them have been of the same nature, or even worse! 

I will NEVER own another dog with beardie in! Life is far too short lol.

Edited to add, my dog was sired by taffy, but not from hancocks. His d

am was just lurcher to lurcher, but very fast and greyhoundy ?


Not being rude but your dog had what 1/16 beardy in it ? i had a half cross out of remus in the 80s and its temp was spot on. ive seen a fair few border crosses that were headbangers.

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I'd like to try a half cross beardie at some point, just to make my own mind up on it.I've a feeling I'd do well with it. After a lifetime of mainly collie crosses I've seen some good and one or two almost useless but by now I seem to gel with them and get enthusiasm from them. 

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Thee best left alone anything from hancocks even the straight half are a massive gamble,it's perculiariteies and there weird yes weird in bred traits that let most of down,much prefer go to any other cur than one a those bred in skittish collie studs .atb bill

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  On 07/07/2018 at 18:46, billhardy said:

Thee best left alone anything from hancocks even the straight half are a massive gamble,it's perculiariteies and there weird yes weird in bred traits that let most of down,much prefer go to any other cur than one a those bred in skittish collie studs .atb bill


theres alot of lads getting good results from these dogs past and present and as there's more possitive input from people ive spoke to than negative im going to take the chance.

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As far as negative opinions on Hancock dogs I think some of the problem is that a certain amount of his customers are novice lurcher owners.

I know I was back in the early 80s lol. I got a good un, sadly stolen but if you know a dog anyway, you'll have more success, depends on your expectations, not every dog is gonna be a world beater, whatever the breeding.

Cheers, D.

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  On 07/07/2018 at 19:46, dytkos said:

As far as negative opinions on Hancock dogs I think some of the problem is that a certain amount of his customers are novice lurcher owners.

I know I was back in the early 80s lol. I got a good un, sadly stolen but if you know a dog anyway, you'll have more success, depends on your expectations, not every dog is gonna be a world beater, whatever the breeding.

Cheers, D.


just want a decent allrounder dytkos and im sure a 3/4 bred border collie x bitch from hancock will fit the bill.

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The better breed has own that Arthur very very soft seen it carrying a front leg ,on a visit still carrying mths later feck all wrong with it just one a those sympathy seeking collie dogs that's cracked on fa attention yes true attention seeker fecking cull .atb bill

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  On 07/07/2018 at 20:15, billhardy said:

The better breed has own that Arthur very very soft seen it carrying a front leg ,on a visit still carrying mths later feck all wrong with it just one a those sympathy seeking collie dogs that's cracked on fa attention yes true attention seeker fecking cull .atb bill


You rate him then

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I don't rate him the delboy produces animals with no stamina plenty speed  toes went on the bitch my mate fetched finished rehomed by two seasons the Alex when alive he tried with one of his bit better quick away limited stamina and runs got from her, thee are bound two be those already carry greyhound and they sell has three quarter and half xes,that fecking Arthur looks what it his a clown of a collude fecking rubbish ,the beardie stuff seem limited in size on the whole odd males get size bitches small has whippets .they are now facing the lurcher man fa work they fa  the agility folk not workers I can understand breeding hundreds a yr y'all get the odd uns fall in the right way ,bug they not working bred  they breed there own studs from animals off the best in other words they breed from yard studs only ,that Cana be right  surely fa flecks sake. Atb bill

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Oh and just forgot the recent claim ta fame form racing at Highgate ,I think that's what they breeding with the threequarters poor greyhounds  I have one offered me two finish off fir a mate the bitch from Alex ,but like I said there was nothing more to work with in the bitch sadly I  reckon she be rehomed picks muscle injuries regular to regular fa me gracious ,etc etc.atb bill

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  On 07/07/2018 at 20:35, billhardy said:

Oh and just forgot the recent claim ta fame form racing at Highgate ,I think that's what they breeding with the threequarters poor greyhounds  I have one offered me two finish off fir a mate the bitch from Alex ,but like I said there was nothing more to work with in the bitch sadly I  reckon she be rehomed picks muscle injuries regular to regular fa me gracious ,etc etc.atb bill


You reckon a gsd x better then bill

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