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  On 03/01/2019 at 21:54, Black neck said:

You can achieve whatever you want to young grasshopper 


And the famous quote will allways raise its head.

Imagine a young mouse with a dislocated ankle looking up.

When you see a field full off dandelions.

You can either see a 100 weeds or 1000 wishes.

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  On 03/01/2019 at 23:03, Black neck said:

Now that i agree with life's for living not thinking 

Irish glynn


Now then black neck this is a question that I'm sure you could confidently answer. 

I've searched for the answer for years and I'm not any closer to knowing the truth.

When a blind man's dog has a shit.

How does he know where the shit is to pick it up.


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  On 03/01/2019 at 23:12, king said:

Now then black neck this is a question that I'm sure you could confidently answer. 

I've searched for the answer for years and I'm not any closer to knowing the truth.

When a blind man's dog has a shit.

How does he know where the shit is to pick it up.



He Dosnt gi a f**k who's gonna say ote the poor feckers blind

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  On 03/01/2019 at 23:16, Black neck said:

He Dosnt gi a f**k who's gonna say ote the poor feckers blind


I know he's blind that's why he's got a guide dog.

If he didn't pick up the shit in his garden or on his local walk then the shit would build up and up.

Surely he must have a way of knowing where the shit is to pick it up.

I've never seen a guide dog having a shit.

And I'm sure I will never know the answer.

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  On 03/01/2019 at 23:19, king said:

I know he's blind that's why he's got a guide dog.

If he didn't pick up the shit in his garden or on his local walk then the shit would build up and up.

Surely he must have a way of knowing where the shit it is to pick it up.

I've never seen a guide dog having a shit.

And I'm sure I will never know the answer.


On a serious note the dogs are trained to bark when they shit and at no other time

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  On 03/01/2019 at 23:32, Gilbey said:

on a more serious note they shit on command ?


A foreman in a quarry I was working in before wouldn't put toilets on the job.

I had a go at him.

He said.

Have a shit before you come to work.

I said how the feck do I train arse to shit in the morning

He soon fecked off out the cabin.

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They trained like cats in there own litter tray much in the same ways some won't shit on concrete and vice verca som jukels shit only on concrete or in the fecking run dirty fecking habit if yas ask me but times need some days I suppose then there's those that only shit out the kennel clean type.atb bill

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