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Daytime badger

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Had one run over the bonnet of my escort van once, have also seen a few dogs killed by deer taking them onto main roads over the years,  a girl I no brought the m5 to a standstill near me when her pet dog chased a deer luckily the dog was rescued from the central reservation, it happens to often for it not to be a method of escape a few people I have spoken  to back in the day recon fox,s will do it when they are being chased by the hounds as well, 

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Sounds like my ex missus!?

in the summers as hot as this ,they are know to sleep out in the cover...i found this out over the years when hounds flushed them when exercising during the early morning and when you get to where the

I’ve seen a couple this week in the afternoon. They were both rooting around , scratching and feeding on something, there is a stream near the sett they came from so I don’t think it’s thirst . I beli

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  On 11/07/2018 at 14:09, Greyman said:

Had one run over the bonnet of my escort van once, have also seen a few dogs killed by deer taking them onto main roads over the years,  a girl I no brought the m5 to a standstill near me when her pet dog chased a deer luckily the dog was rescued from the central reservation, it happens to often for it not to be a method of escape a few people I have spoken  to back in the day recon fox,s will do it when they are being chased by the hounds as well, 


There's a hare in the factories near me when a dog is on him he goes straight for the road's I've seen him doing it from what I heard a few lurchers have been killed trying to catch it.

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Jesus, poor b*****d might go extinct with this weather lol

According to experts, the severe and prolonged hot weather in the UK is having a devastating impact on wildlife as access to water and food is drying up. This has impacted baby badgers, and with a badger cull due to be expanded in autumn, the species is under serious threat.

Ecologist and zoo keeper Lee started a petition calling on Michael Gove to immediately stop the badger cull. He says they are vital for the ecosystem, they disperse seeds which help plants grow, and they build tunnels which end up being used by foxes, rabbits, otters and other animals.

Lee is taking his petition directly to the Government on Thursday - he already has 156,000 signatures.

Will you sign before Thursday that the public are behind Lee’s campaign?

Petitioning Michael Gove
Stop the nationwide cull of Badgers

Petition by lee jenkins
Chepstow, UK

g 159,010 


The government is planning to expand a badger culling program and offer farmers up to £50 bounty for each animal killed. The killing of these animals is wrong and it would have a disastrous impact on the ecosystem. That is why it must be stopped.

I’m an ecologist, a zoo keeper and a teacher of agriculture and environmental science - I know how important badgers are to our environment. They disperse seeds which help plants grow, and they build tunnels which end up being used by foxes, rabbits, otters and other animals.

Over 50,000 badgers were culled by farmers in the last 2 years (1), and if we keep on going this way it will have a serious impact on our environment. In the past, wolves, lynxes and wild boars were hunted to extinction and are now having to be reintroduced - why are we repeating the same mistakes again with the badger?

The government says this is part of a program to stop the spread of bovine TB, but previous trials of culling badgers have not successfully stopped the disease. Vaccinations would be a far more ethical way of stopping TB, along with increased hygiene measures in farms.

Badgers are an iconic symbol of the British countryside, and killing them will leave a huge hole in the ecosystem and do long term damage to our environment.

The news is currently reporting that the cull will start in the Autumn. That only leaves us a few months to change the Government’s mind, so we need to act now!

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  On 17/07/2018 at 13:03, EDDIE B said:
Jesus, poor b*****d might go extinct with this weather lol

According to experts, the severe and prolonged hot weather in the UK is having a devastating impact on wildlife as access to water and food is drying up. This has impacted baby badgers, and with a badger cull due to be expanded in autumn, the species is under serious threat.

Ecologist and zoo keeper Lee started a petition calling on Michael Gove to immediately stop the badger cull. He says they are vital for the ecosystem, they disperse seeds which help plants grow, and they build tunnels which end up being used by foxes, rabbits, otters and other animals.

Lee is taking his petition directly to the Government on Thursday - he already has 156,000 signatures.



Opportunistic bollocks from an activist. I'm personally seeing the results of what looks to have been a fantastic breeding season in general.

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"ecologist and zookeeper" ha!  what about the effect the number of badgers has on other wildlife, eg hegdehogs, ground nesting birds etc these idiots protecting one species in favour of others, what idiots, haven't they heard of a natural balance or would that interfere too much with their agendas? Also zookeeper = animal jailer in my book

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  On 17/07/2018 at 13:39, robertb123 said:

"ecologist and zookeeper" ha!  what about the effect the number of badgers has on other wildlife, eg hegdehogs, ground nesting birds etc these idiots protecting one species in favour of others, what idiots, haven't they heard of a natural balance or would that interfere too much with their agendas? Also zookeeper = animal jailer in my book


Totally agree with this.

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  On 17/07/2018 at 13:39, robertb123 said:

"ecologist and zookeeper" ha!  what about the effect the number of badgers has on other wildlife, eg hegdehogs, ground nesting birds etc these idiots protecting one species in favour of others, what idiots, haven't they heard of a natural balance or would that interfere too much with their agendas? Also zookeeper = animal jailer in my book


They all want to reintroduce lynx but don't think that maybe helping some of the animals struggling might be more worthwhile 

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  On 17/07/2018 at 13:08, Born Hunter said:

Opportunistic bollocks from an activist. I'm personally seeing the results of what looks to have been a fantastic breeding season in general.


True that mate, nature always works in cycles and though this year might not be good for badgers the birds are doing fantastically well due to the amounts of insects, blackbirds possibly not but next year when it's wet the worm eaters will have it bang off while the insect eaters may struggle, it's nature you would think naturalist and ecologist lee would understand how it works, maybe lee should have a look on some of my sd cards from my cameras if he thinks they are struggling, muntjacs also seem to be doing alright lots of baby,s about I assume they need a drink now and then as well, just goes to show even an idiot on a fools errand can still get 150 000 fools to follow them with a simple message on social media 

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  On 17/07/2018 at 15:29, Kerny92 said:

No, he's in favour though of giving up on animals on the verge of extinction and putting the effort into those that he feels are not a lost cause.


I think it was panda bears he was referring to and I agree with him as they have not evolved to live in today's world, they only have the ride one day a year and half the time she can't be arsed or has a headache  and they eat one type of bamboo which has hardly any goodness in it, only thing on there side they are very easy to artificially inseminate  ?

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  On 17/07/2018 at 15:36, Greyman said:

I think it was panda bears he was referring to and I agree with him as they have not evolved to live in today's world, they only have the ride one day a year and half the time she can't be arsed or has a headache  and they eat one type of bamboo which has hardly any goodness in it, only thing on there side they are very easy to artificially inseminate  ?


Yeah and I'm sure he said something similar about Tigers? 

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