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First cross Beddy Whippet

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putting her to a good Whippet, to get a three quarter pup for myself. 

mines 13 months.marking at 9 months old.only caught 2 daytime rabbits so far.got her for ferreting & daytime mooching.this will be her first season come September. 

not the best of pics sorry,bit hot out there for her with that coat lol

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  On 14/07/2018 at 11:02, billhardy said:

This his how I see it now that's a bonny bitch lad ,yas gonna give her a chance where has she would spent time in lock down wasting good on yas good luck she could be a little tigress. Atb bill


cheers bill aslong as shes handy on rabbits ill be happy she seems very pupyish atm and i wouldent say ready for any work yet(couple month away anyway from season) can beddy x take abit more time to mature? or could well be were shes been left on the guys yard not doing alot ither way ill spend as much time as i can bonding with her till September then give her all the rabbits she wants hopefully she can spin a few

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bit of a walk earlier try get her used to the lead and the truck picked up the lead ok but like a pup if she feels abit of tension on the lead will lock up on the back legs lol jumped out the truck wont jump in lol shes very nervous of everything the sound of the car and gates when i open them ect,i hope she will come out of her shell over these next few weeks as shes a lovely pup let her off for a quick 2 mins with mini she dident seems to want to have a run about probably hasent found her legs yet



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  On 14/07/2018 at 11:29, Black neck said:

I would say the lad that you got to treat her like a dog half her real age then you cant over cook things wi it 


yep thats it,shes been around horse ect so when she steady up abit ill start taking her to work with me to follow me about on the quad ect as iv got a new job on a stables/farm spend some good time with her and get her used to the outdoors lol

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  On 14/07/2018 at 12:45, billhardy said:

Lad she looks Ito be in a different place already showing a glow now in the field pic.atb bill


your right when i fetched her yestday couldent get her out the car put her in the kennel couldn't get her out the box,kept going out last night giving her abit of fuss ect and she alot better today i can tell it aint going to be a over night thing with her she reminds me of a few timid saluki xs iv owned i just hope it pays off like u call her she will walk towards you but back off as soon as u go to interact with her but ill get there,im in no way saying the previous owner had every hit her but shes seems skittish abit like that shes always nerveous  around you and thinks shes done something wrong like if i stroke her through the kennel bars shes okay but as soon as u go in the kennel shes wary to come near,but in all honestly shes seemed the same with the man yesterday when i met him

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anyway shes here now and ill give her the best i can some lads will say i get through a few dogs but no one cant say i dont put the time or game in front of them,im happy with what im kenneling at the moment my bitch id never get rid off im happy with the old dog bruce he will stay now dont know how long hes got left in him mind and this pup will be given her chance i live in a good area to bring dogs on and thats what she will get,i was sick to get rid of the bull x but he was just to heavy for me and like i say the work i wanted him for is just not my thing and wasent what i expected after id used him a few times id rather stick to my edible game and the odd  charlie every week or so i cant be more honest that that im the kind of person that dont like to hang around messing about thats why iv never relay took to digging,i was honest with the lad about the dog offerd a trail ect told him if hes not happy with the dog ill drive up to him and have him back

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  On 14/07/2018 at 12:51, LurcherLad94 said:

your right when i fetched her yestday couldent get her out the car put her in the kennel couldn't get her out the box,kept going out last night giving her abit of fuss ect and she alot better today i can tell it aint going to be a over night thing with her she reminds me of a few timid saluki xs iv owned i just hope it pays off like u call her she will walk towards you but back off as soon as u go to interact with her but ill get there,im in no way saying the previous owner had every hit her but shes seems skittish abit like that shes always nerveous  around you and thinks shes done something wrong like if i stroke her through the kennel bars shes okay but as soon as u go in the kennel shes wary to come near,but in all honestly shes seemed the same with the man yesterday when i met him


This animal showing all the traits of little contact ,that alls it will be plus everything's new and strange she unsure does not know what's wanted from her confused ,little jukel.itll come I. Don't let up on them when they like this they will then come out .she may allways be an aloof type but longs yas get her going she can only get better.i had a few sent to me like this they invariably go back fixed.atb bill

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  On 14/07/2018 at 12:59, billhardy said:

This animal showing all the traits of little contact ,that alls it will be plus everything's new and strange she unsure does not know what's wanted from her confused ,little jukel.itll come I. Don't let up on them when they like this they will then come out .she may allways be an aloof type but longs yas get her going she can only get better.i had a few sent to me like this they invariably go back fixed.atb bill


yep your right usaly i get a dog first thing i want to do its try it out lol but something is just telling me take my time this time last thing to think about is running her just alot more confident in her self first then the rest will come hopefully she will fill some good bags of rabbits in time 

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