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Roebuck - the smallest from the "big game" list in Romania

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The smallest animal from the "big game" list (roe deer, fallow deer, mouflon,  red stag, wild boar, bear, chamois)  is also one of my favorites (maybe also due to the fact that we could not hunt too m

Let's see if now is working... A new roebuck hunted by me in the mountain area. I also had the opportunity to hunt wild boars, so I used the "big" rifle (Voere 9.3x62) instead of the small old la

As I promised earlier... Last year was one of my worst in terms of time allocated for hunting and this mainly because I had to travel often in other countries (mostly to UK). I spent most of

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Let's see if now is working...

A new roebuck hunted by me in the mountain area. I also had the opportunity to hunt wild boars, so I used the "big" rifle (Voere 9.3x62) instead of the small old lady in 6.5x54.   

In the first days I had the chance to see many animals (including a huge male boar that I first  thought to be a bear due to his size) but I had no luck with my roebuck. It was so bad due to the fact that in the first day I had an epic miss at short distance (~70m) on an abnormal male. I'm unable to explain it even now...

In my last day, we changed the area and climbed a hill for ~1km. On the way to the top of the hill we started to collect mushrooms (at least to not return empty handed again :D ). On the top, I had the advantage of height and I managed to spot this young male in an area full of bushes. The distance was good (~100m) so I took the shot and the male dropped dead instantly (shot at the base of the neck)


The next part was not so easy due to the wet grass and long distance to the main road. My companion helped me by carrying ...the heavy mushrooms


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As I said on another topic, this year I started late the season due to expanding family and to the damn COVID-19 outbreak.

Roe deer hunting is one of my favorite hunts and I was surprised to notice that is July and I have no new buck on my wall. Also, my wife started to complain because she wanted some good pasta with roe deer minced meat and the freezer was full only with wild boar meat :D.

I try in each year to hunt one roe buck with this little rifle (Mannlicher Schonauer mod 1903, in 6.5x54MS) that belonged to a dear friend of mine that now is in "the lands of eternal hunting". For my personal pleasure, I try to do it open sights.

After a very hot day and a loooong wait, I started to loose the hope. The gamekeeper also wanted to move, hoping that we will see some male in the last 15 min while going back to our car. I insisted to remain, because the old males should came out at the last light of the day, especially when is very hot outside. 

And I was right! I was barely able to see it when he came out of the woods. The wind was perfect and I had to wait for him to get closer because I was unable to see it trough mechanical sights when aiming at long distance. He came in about 30m and managed to surprise me due to some thick bushes and ... I missed ? The buck was surprised and stopped 10m further. Luckily, I'm reloading instantly after I take a shot and I was able to take him with the second one. 

The joy was immense, especially when I noticed the unique design and the thickness of the trophy.




A picture with the trophy before whitening 


Edited by biriuck
Gramatically incorrect
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Again another nice write up of your hunting exploits.  That Mannlicher looks so much like my Luxus in 243.  The virus outbreak has hit us all and this year most of the shoots are only offering duck shooting. We hope for better times but I fear that the virus will be here for a very long time  and that general life will take a bit of a diversion until an effective vaccine has been developed. Still we do what we can and make the most of our time.  I look forward to your posts.

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Thank you all!

I just realized that the last post on this topic was from 2018. I was annoyed back then by the fact that I encountered some weird error while posting the story behind one of my roebucks.


I'm posting bellow some of my dearest memories related to roebuck hunting, the ones that I managed to shot open sight. They are not the biggest ones on my wall, but the ones that helped me to improve my hunting skills :) 


This is my personal best in terms of distance. I managed to get close until I was 6m away from him :D


Not enough vegetation to use as cover for this one. Solution: crawling for 30m. In the evening I also found 5 ticks on my belly! Nasty little creatures! 




Heart shot at ~70m



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  • 3 weeks later...

It is always fun to search for roe bucks in rut season, you have good chances to see some old males that are forgetting the safety measures for a while. This one came up to 2m from me :D Not too heavy but with long antlers and an unique configuration 



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