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Would you breed from a jacker?

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  On 13/06/2018 at 19:34, Rabbit Hunter said:

There's no coincidence in the fact that some lads always have digging dogs and some don't. Terriermen are like terriers in that sense.

Back to the original post Kerny92, what dogs do you keep? You ask a lot of different questions on different sections I've noticed.


Different questions? I've got two Patterdales atm, sisters. Both showing promising signs. ?

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That's a simplistic way of looking at it FD, I know where you're coming from but I don't agree. There's hundreds of terriers that get moved on or pts year on year through bad entering,  bad socialisat

If you had no choice to continue the blood then it's worth a punt, don't get bogged down on the individual animal when the lines a good producing line. If you'r blessed with an extended family th

The reason for lines and names is because they keep producing generation after generation.  They don't give themselves a "name", it's earned through word of mouth. Your mates dog by the sound of

What people still don't understand is you don't breed to an individual dog you breed to what made up that dog. What makes up that individual dog is it's littermates, parents, parents littermates, grandparents and grandparents littermates. One bad egg won't ruin the blood IMO. Of course if you can use the same blood with dogs that are doing the business then it's a no brainer but some don't have that luxury.

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  On 13/06/2018 at 18:54, shaneg said:

Some lads will never have good dogs no matter what the get they always seem to get the bad pup in the litter as you’ve said. I no lads that at 14 months expect to work a dog because that when every pup should work and over face them. Instead of reading there dogs and letting the dog tell you when there ready or hold them back till you think there ready. It’s not always a straight forward the book says he should work at this age so let’s go. They never no when to take it easy when they start and to put them in the right spots to keep the winning the first year. Then the same dog packs it up and the dogs a jacket and in another mans hands the same dog has the makings of a good one 


And some lads never test their dogs and think they have world beaters. It’s a fine line.

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Goes against the grain for some to even think about breeding from an out and out jacker whatever the blood ties .Would rather travel the length of the country than do that to be honest .Wheres' the confidence in the litter if you use second rate stock .This day and age there isnt' a single reason  to breed from  jackers if work is the reason for keeping terriers. 

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I think I’ve been pretty lucky with the terriers I’ve bred three litters in my life and every time I’ve kept a bitch back last two my wife picked the pup and they all grafted fine for me might not be up to other guys standards but all worked fine for me and my landowners r more than happy with job they do

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  On 13/06/2018 at 20:25, Rabbit Hunter said:

I'm not the one asking questions.

You've asked questions on terriers and for pics of first cross bull crosses. But contributed nothing.

If I'm wrong I'll apologise but you're asking a lot and offering not very much.


Yes i asked the questions and I've contributed, everything ok there? I've put my point across just fine on here incase it passed by you? Chill out will ya pal.. ?

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