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Would you breed from a jacker?

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That's a simplistic way of looking at it FD, I know where you're coming from but I don't agree. There's hundreds of terriers that get moved on or pts year on year through bad entering,  bad socialisat

If you had no choice to continue the blood then it's worth a punt, don't get bogged down on the individual animal when the lines a good producing line. If you'r blessed with an extended family th

The reason for lines and names is because they keep producing generation after generation.  They don't give themselves a "name", it's earned through word of mouth. Your mates dog by the sound of

  On 13/06/2018 at 12:43, Kerny92 said:

Little debate here, would you breed from a jacker or a cold dog if it had the breeding behind it? 


Depends what you call a jacker and what age I've nown lads to get rid of so called jackers to o go on to be good grafters with someone else who took there time entering. Atb. 

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If you had no choice to continue the blood then it's worth a punt, don't get bogged down on the individual animal when the lines a good producing line.

If you'r blessed with an extended family then that part of the line should stop right there, life isn't perfect and breeding dogs isn't 2 +2 = 4

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or what about a dog that had in the past covered a few bitches because he was a real decent hard worker up to 6 years old but then walked at 9 years old on a few digs ,BUT  his offspring went on to NEVER  ''jack'' in their long working lives with very respectable digs behind them....a dog that was dug to loads of times and was hard and dependable... but in older age lost his drive due to being burnt out i believe  ....he produced a few very decent offspring but technically he jacked whatever way you look at it...would you breed from him again after he walked ?and this is not hypothetical...he is dead now and 2(that i personally know) of his offspring are 8 years old and still grafting well

Edited by jigsaw
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That's a massive part of the working terriers downfall Jigsaw, "human error".

There's no such thing as a dog that won't quit,  just varying degrees of drive and willpower to see the job through. 

Tyson Fury is a hero to some, but look at the cock they matched him up with, the whole fight was a shambles but they "managed" him to get his confidence up.  

Edited by dillydog
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  On 13/06/2018 at 14:35, Jerry71 said:

Depends what you call a jacker and what age I've nown lads to get rid of so called jackers to o go on to be good grafters with someone else who took there time entering. Atb. 


I've witnessed that on a few occasions..... Some lads have the  knack of breaking the best of dogs/breeding and blaming that, for the man's own personal short comings. 

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Dilly and jigsaw make good points there's loads of different factors to consider. As Dilly says breeding a successful line of  working terriers isn't always straightforward. I've seen inferior bitches throw better workers than their superior sisters, I know successful kennels, working to high standards that consistently produce high percentages of quality workers with each generation and with different crosses.... with a non-working but well bred bitch not that far back in the breeding. In saying that there's usually a plan B elsewhere, a non-jacker that carries similar blood that can be used instead. You need to know your line inside out. Always seek out to the best of your ability and strive to breed off as superior a working terrier with superior breeding close to your own line, as best as possible. Thats all anyone can do Jmho...

Edited by Kaiser Sozé
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  On 13/06/2018 at 18:36, jake824 said:

Dilly has a good point . A lad once said to me , your a jammy txxt you always seem to pick the pups that work. They still after all these years think they are having bad luck picking pups


Some lads will never have good dogs no matter what the get they always seem to get the bad pup in the litter as you’ve said. I no lads that at 14 months expect to work a dog because that when every pup should work and over face them. Instead of reading there dogs and letting the dog tell you when there ready or hold them back till you think there ready. It’s not always a straight forward the book says he should work at this age so let’s go. They never no when to take it easy when they start and to put them in the right spots to keep the winning the first year. Then the same dog packs it up and the dogs a jacket and in another mans hands the same dog has the makings of a good one 

Edited by shaneg
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  On 13/06/2018 at 14:35, Jerry71 said:

Depends what you call a jacker and what age I've nown lads to get rid of so called jackers to o go on to be good grafters with someone else who took there time entering. Atb. 


If the dog  never entered it never jacked 

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There's no coincidence in the fact that some lads always have digging dogs and some don't. Terriermen are like terriers in that sense.

Back to the original post Kerny92, what dogs do you keep? You ask a lot of different questions on different sections I've noticed.

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