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Scottish Independence - indyref 2

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I want Scotland, I’ve said it before but between us we have punched well above our weight in the world for over 500 years. For all the craic and banter, I’d rather have blokes from Ulster, Scotla

You're not hardcore THL until you've had PM death threats!

I voted yes last time but voted out of the EU, so because the goal posts have been changed I'd be a hypocrite if I voted yes again. With the snp putting tax on beer an sugar and anything else we enjoy

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You're thread is like independence. 

Although you posted a thread last week with Pretty much same question. Yet again here's another one today. 

Majority on here either don't care or are firmly no.

And if you think that horrible wee c**t is going to get support after stirring the shit and voting against proposals in the Brexit you're deluded. 

Just goes to show they care not a jot about the People or the country only to cause trouble and divisions. 


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I genuinely hope you get yes 

I really do 

as I want to see her face when every industry between carlisle and Glasgow is decimated , there is nothing along that stretch of the 74 or even worse the A7. 

Every jovk lad I know , in trades, from Dumfries , to Hawick travels daily over the border to work

nsme one large employer there not  in tatters .

the borders had been on borrowed time for decades, Stranraer almost sunglehandedly supports d and g . 

Dunfries , Moffat , Hawick, Newcastleton and gala are feeder towns for Edinburgh, Newcastle and carlisle . 

If that vote goes yes, that whole part of Scotland will be an economic wasteland , believe me 

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  On 10/06/2018 at 11:15, Lukeluke said:

Just the way he was brought up mate he can’t help it. But no doubt he will hit you with 38474739 paragraphs copied and pasted from google to explain why 


I'm genuinely interested interested to hear it from him :yes:

...... I don't even mind if he says it's just because he hates the English.


He's been quiet all day though - I'm starting to wonder if this thread was just a wind up :rolleyes:

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  On 10/06/2018 at 17:30, villaman said:

It should be us English who have the vote to see if we want Scotland or not :whistling:


I want Scotland, I’ve said it before but between us we have punched well above our weight in the world for over 500 years.

For all the craic and banter, I’d rather have blokes from Ulster, Scotland and Wales stood at my shoulder than any other c**t in the world......the reason the world f***ing hates us is that, historically, we are just so f***ing good! 

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id give them a go at voting and make them sign an agreement that if they lose they go and live in exile in Europe same to all parties hell bent on breaking us up as a nation. same for the anti Brexit vvankers too. all the traitors should be kicked out. how can a nation prosper when its being run by the very people trying to ruin it for theyre own greedy gains

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Traitors if you please. Perhaps they should have to sign a pledge of allegiance to the crown, not be a Muslim and speak English. Can't understand  a word those glaswegians say. Jordies come a close second. ???. The Muslims are ok.

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Fck em, waste of good foxhunting country (except for a few small islands of hunting), shit chip shops, no real ale, get ripped off with goose guides.... 


Bollocks to em, they need to grow some balls..... Hate the English but live off us like one of them little sucker fish





Edited by DIDO.1
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  On 10/06/2018 at 17:47, WILF said:

I want Scotland, I’ve said it before but between us we have punched well above our weight in the world for over 500 years.

For all the craic and banter, I’d rather have blokes from Ulster, Scotland and Wales stood at my shoulder than any other c**t in the world......the reason the world f***ing hates us is that, historically, we are just so f***ing good! 


why dont you move to ulster wilf,it may suit you better mate

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