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On 8 June 2018 at 19:11, two crows said:

it to much speed hat makes them overshoot that's why coursing men like a fast dog that runs slow and therefor tight. 

Two crows it's like talking ta brick wall with som,they dun a understand this just of live catching superior long ear killer. Fa me let this be so they'll always be those that Cana see past there nose hence tunnel vision.lol. But we can thank that these islands of ours had men and women that could see it fa what it should be a jukel bred ta catch live game.the fast slow ability to predict pace etc letting mr long ear go on one then draw him in box em from cover ,smash through cover when needed. Well that's how it his .what some don't realise that lots a these jukels will small both big and small  land hedges woody open etc,I seen em kill on tiny pastures ,they just could not get out lol.so for those clowns who Cana see this da what it his so be it experience his a learning curve and a knowledgable string  that some never poses.atb two crows from hawk eye.atb bill

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Its a mystery, why the miscellany of rough and broken coated lurchers, (many of Deerhound origins),...have disappeared off the scene.? Perhaps we now have far more versatile hunting dogs, mostly

During the late 1980s, we put the first cross Deerhound/Greyhounds back to sheepdog blooded lurchers,..they were smashing dogs,..far more versatile than the F1... 

? I would always prefer a physically gifted dog that has twigged on, to use his natural gears to run slow when required, over a naturally slow dog that cannot ever hope to produce pace, or find a spee

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1 hour ago, Busher100 said:

Probably am chasing the holy grail mate. I need a dog that can catch fox's as well as dispatch hench going for a racey one instead of more bull. I'll test what I got this season coming an who knows maybe if she ain't upto it I'll try a dog more bull saturated if she can't do the job.

I now think this is a wind up. 

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2 hours ago, Black neck said:

Hee hee boring but effective

a hare can cope with a wizzbanger coming upfrom behind he can make him look daft, but it don't like a dog that's getting alongside and watching and in control.

Edited by two crows
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it's clear to see  when you see a educated dog run that it knows how to run and box gear in its a pleasure to watch a good dog run trouble is when owners don't have the graft  or time to get them to that level yet still think they can there without the time or dedication put in to it 

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K'inell... !

In over 10 years on this site, over 5 years as a Moderator, i've had to trawl through some theorectical shite in my time but some posts on this thread are as good as it gets... ?

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? I would always prefer a physically gifted dog that has twigged on, to use his natural gears to run slow when required, over a naturally slow dog that cannot ever hope to produce pace, or find a speed that is plainly not at his disposal...Back in the day, my best catch dogs, all had the power to control their chosen quarry,.. it was a great feeling to go out into the darkness, fully armed... Fielding such canine athletes I honestly felt that I owned the night...:yes:

 Nowadays, with my wee curs, I am woefully underpowered,...we have to rely on being in the right place, at the right time,...we don't have as many victories,..but, you know what,..it no longer seems to matter, we get by,....it is what it is...?

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I like a dog that's got the speed to get up to its quarry but then uses a little brain to run it. Not all make it but lovely to see an experience hound working its target. The little extra speed comes at the price of a little lost stamina but it's swings and roundabouts and my preference.

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where first crosses of any breed are concerned, these days there realy is no need to bother, I  cant think of any advantages they have over a line bred dog, where coursing dogs are concerned the line bred dog has more stamina, due to not having a large greyhound content, and I am sure this is the case with other kinds too, it would be nice to see a universal line bred rabbiting dog but every one likes something different, (and owt can catch a rabbit, lol) so it wont happen, with coursing it was different saluki blood was needed, and we all had to accept the fact like it or not if you wanted a hare killer it was the only way to go.

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21 minutes ago, jiggy said:

Ye should all get a wheaten cross. It looks like a deerhound but can do everything that a bull cross can. No need to argue then ?????

I'd agree with what you say there except for

a)  Some wheatons are a bit fizzy and kick off without warning and..

b)Arguing's good,  there's always a need for it.:boxing::spiteful:

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