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Badger cull

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They owe me 10 000 rebate in that case.

lol I don't post in the terrier section for a few reasons 1. I dont keep terriers for digging anymore 2. It's full of pretend twats like you in there that wouldn't know a good terrier if it was hangin

Lovely picture of a well-made animal...

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Guest Navek
  On 31/05/2018 at 18:48, Rabid said:

Stumbled acrosss this today, anyone know if it's horse shit or some truth in it ?




It’s true . 3 farms where I shoot have offered for me to do it ... not my cup tea that so told 5hem not interested ...there was plenty that where tho and the last cull was nearly 600 odd 

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This is a potential mess. If true someone hasn't thought this through.  Shooting stuff don't worry me but to throw this out there for a mass cull is just plaIn wrong. It won't just be the anti / Chris Peckham brigade jumping on the band wagon it will be the General public who thinks that this is government sponsored murder for 50 quid a head blood money. If it was rats or some hideous creature that would be one thing in the eyes of Joe public but the badger is seen generally as a cute animal with a striped head. If this cull is true then why not other potential carriers? Or start a vaccination program. After all it ain't the badgers fault that it MIGHT have an illness.

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  On 31/05/2018 at 21:23, Meece said:

This is a potential mess. If true someone hasn't thought this through.  Shooting stuff don't worry me but to throw this out there for a mass cull is just plaIn wrong. It won't just be the anti / Chris Peckham brigade jumping on the band wagon it will be the General public who thinks that this is government sponsored murder for 50 quid a head blood money. If it was rats or some hideous creature that would be one thing in the eyes of Joe public but the badger is seen generally as a cute animal with a striped head. If this cull is true then why not other potential carriers? Or start a vaccination program. After all it ain't the badgers fault that it MIGHT have an illness.


It ain't foxes fault they kill ground nesting birds, we still cull them. Not to mention the early evidence suggests the cull is working beyond the original estimates.

I personally don't see what the difference is between South West cull or national cull. It'd still have to meet culling criteria and be ended when met.

Also the government aren't sponsoring it, its privately funded.

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I knew about the previous cull plans, what I wasn't aware of was the price per head on them set at £50.

A brief read up suggests most of England will be in eligible areas,  and although a few hoops set up, the granting of licences will indeed be happening once the set criterea is met.

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  On 31/05/2018 at 22:11, Born Hunter said:

Not sure if I've read that wrong but all previous annual culls have been much less than 50 quid a badger to my knowledge.


Yes, sorry that's what I meant, the point was previous culls were nothing like what's been set out this year.

After reading a few reports and stats, IF they are to be believed, the rate this tb is increasing/spreading is an alarming rate over the last 10 yrs. I'm not 100% upto speed with cattle, but have heard many rumours from dairy and beef farmers around me, it would seem the stats back up the word on the street so to speak.

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To set the record straight lads ,the price per head goes up every year as the numbers go down .No new areas in there first year  will be paying £50 ,that will be in year 4 .I'e studied the cull around me and been to a few meetings .lot of  shite spoke about it but farmers over the moon with results .

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