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Favourite tipple of choice.

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I'm at about 15 seconds at the moment...

This can be nice, 

I understand that mate and you're right a lot of this does get lost in translation and will inevitably do so due to the limitations of the format we use to engage. I've been on here since IanB opened

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13 minutes ago, John d said:

Smokes every day = addicted to smoking

Takes drugs everyday = addicted to drugs

Drinks everyday = not an addict as its ok because I brought it from the shop and everyone else does it

THL logic at its finest!

Lmao ok mate

I also eat food and drink water everyday, tea, coffee etc.

Two forms of addiction; pscycological and physical. You can enjoy anything without either becoming an issue. My ex would smoke everyday, yet when she went back to Austria she wouldn't smoke for weeks. I can drink everyday or leave it for as long as I want. I wank or fuuck at least once a day.... by your reckoning of doing something daily, I'm a raging sex addict too?

All addiction starts with the psychological aspect (I need it) hence all addiction is born out of weakness.


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1 minute ago, John d said:

Eating and drinking non alcohol are a necessity so not even relevant tbh. 

The thing with addiction is no one really knows the answer as everybody is different. Also I'm not going to call anyone weak as that is just such a shallow thing to call someone who might be reading this and trying everything they can to stop whatever they are addicted to. I started drinking as a teenager when it was fun and I had no worries in life so it was hardly born out of weakness when it was a fun thing to do.

The main reason I believe alcohol is the worst addiction to stop is the fact it's everywhere and relentlessly pushed on everybody. We have all been feeling rough from the Friday night session but still gone out on saturday knowing full well your going to be twice as bad on Sunday because the option the feel better is there in the pub/shop waiting for you lol

If you havent had a drink problem you wont understand same as I cant see why people get addicted to gambling/heroin/hunting forums etc but they do and one thing for sure is addiction in all its glorious forms is a multi billion industry and while it makes the government rich no of it will ever be wiped out so you do have to do what you can with it ?


Are you addicted to bleating on and on in a “what’s your fave tipple “thread  which you have no valid input as you not got one 

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3 minutes ago, John d said:

Eating and drinking non alcohol are a necessity so not even relevant tbh. 

The thing with addiction is no one really knows the answer as everybody is different. Also I'm not going to call anyone weak as that is just such a shallow thing to call someone who might be reading this and trying everything they can to stop whatever they are addicted to. I started drinking as a teenager when it was fun and I had no worries in life so it was hardly born out of weakness when it was a fun thing to do.

The main reason I believe alcohol is the worst addiction to stop is the fact it's everywhere and relentlessly pushed on everybody. We have all been feeling rough from the Friday night session but still gone out on saturday knowing full well your going to be twice as bad on Sunday because the option the feel better is there in the pub/shop waiting for you lol

If you havent had a drink problem you wont understand same as I cant see why people get addicted to gambling/heroin/hunting forums etc but they do and one thing for sure is addiction in all its glorious forms is a multi billion industry and while it makes the government rich no of it will ever be wiped out so you do have to do what you can with it ?


You blame your addiction on whatever you want mate. Just because something is there doesn't mean you have to give in and have it, when you do it's called 'weakness' 

I've seen the same pattern repeated across the spectrum including myself with tobacco!

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1 minute ago, John d said:

Its just a discussion mate. Resentment is a sign btw ;)

The sad thing here is you are trying to project your failings/weaknesses/demons on everybody else!

My dad blames the death of my brother in 2003 ffs ?

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10 minutes ago, John d said:

Its just a discussion mate. Resentment is a sign btw ;)

Jon it’s straight forward what’s your fave drink ?  You havnt got one have you ? the end of discussion lol??maybe you can start you very own “what’s your fave non alcaholic drink “ thread , I’m sure I won’t be posting 

Edited by green lurchers
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5 minutes ago, John d said:

But I'm not? Show me where I'm doing that. Your a shit son btw what a horrible thing to say about your own father

It's the truth lol he's a piss head cnut and after over 30 years of watching his bullshit and trying to help, I'm over it ?


14 minutes ago, John d said:

Its just a discussion mate. Resentment is a sign btw ;)

Right here! You are implying that green has symptoms of alcoholism by accusing him (passively) of holding some form of resentment and that being a sign?

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2 minutes ago, John d said:

The wink showed it was a joke. And its getting personal now so we will leave it at that and I wish your old man well ?



Thank fk for that Jon  you were driving me to drink a yard of ale ??

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1 minute ago, socks said:

I must be extra pathetic and weak as I made a three mile detour today to get this little beauty .......




That's a sign that is pal! 3 miles out of your way, for something you want is obviously a bad omen ?

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