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Favourite tipple of choice.

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I'm at about 15 seconds at the moment...

This can be nice, 

I understand that mate and you're right a lot of this does get lost in translation and will inevitably do so due to the limitations of the format we use to engage. I've been on here since IanB opened

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  On 29/05/2018 at 12:03, John d said:

The best part about going to a party sober is watching all the drunks do stupid shit and make fools of themselves and then being able to dramatise what they did the next day as you tell the stories to them as they wont remember it lol


Not everyone drinks to excess some let the drink get the better of them some don’t ?? 

Edited by green lurchers
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A lad my son works with was drinking 2 litres of Scotch a day and even taking it to work with him. No-one even knew he was pissed. He said he didn't feel pissed, just dreadful if he didn't drink. He "weaned" himself off spirits by drinking 24 cans of Stella a day, starting with 6 cans before breakfast. Then he went to 22, 20, etc etc and hasn't touched a drop for 3 years. Fair play!

I can take it or leave it. I think the last drink I had was 2 pints when my mate was over at the beginning of the month and the last drink before that was March.

When I do drink though, my preferred tipple is Amstel. 

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  On 29/05/2018 at 12:25, John d said:

No I see it all the time with my own eyes and I'm not anti drink at all but its pretty obvious to anyone what the affects of it are and what it does to people. Nobody really drinks to stay sober do they


Tbh I don’t know many that feel the need to drink till in a drunken mess ! Maybe it’s the effect of you telling folk how bad drink is it probably drives them to a drunken oblivion lol 

Edited by green lurchers
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  On 29/05/2018 at 12:25, John d said:

No I see it all the time with my own eyes and I'm not anti drink at all but its pretty obvious to anyone what the affects of it are and what it does to people. Nobody really drinks to stay sober do they


True mate but not everyone drinks until they beat the wife whilst simultaneously sh*tt*ng themselves either. I first got served in a pub when I was 14 and I've managed to not go to prison my entire life despite drinking excessively on numerous occasions. I understand that it isn't for everyone but keep your hands of my damn liver!

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Fishing is cruel , red meat is bad for you as are eggs , drink is the ruination of mankind so when I get back from fishing il take a venison sarnie topped with a goose egg and an ice cold beer or two fk me me I might end up in the gutter but times running out lol  oh yay oh yay oh yay 

Edited by green lurchers
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  On 29/05/2018 at 13:34, John d said:

In 2016 Alcohol killed nearly twice as many as all of the other drugs put together and a fair whack of those who died from drugs where on legally prescribed drugs!


In 2000 the British Medical Journal issued a report that went very quietly into the public and sort of disappeared into oblivion. In that article, they claimed that 30,000 people die every year as a direct result of medical errors. Here in the US it's very carefully omitted from obvious statistics but medical errors are the third largest killer behind heart disease and cancer.

Have a toke, or a drink, or whatever. Just don't get behind the wheel. Take care of your own emotional wellness.

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  On 29/05/2018 at 13:43, John d said:

Well that's what you can say from behind a computer screen while knowing full well I know nothing about, or want to know, your personal life but im pretty certain if you looked hard enough into anyones life they will have, at some point, have had points in thier life they regret due to drink. Wether it' a personal regret of something they have done or a regret of not helping someone more while they could it will be there. Also you have plenty of time left yet so never say never.


That's very true but I'm able to control myself. So are millions of other people in the UK and billions more if you spread it across the world. I can't argue that alcohol isn't destructive. The evidence is indisputable but Jekyll & Hyde isn't a majority. Most of us can have a quiet tipple and a laugh and that's what life's all about from the comfort of my computer screen.

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  On 29/05/2018 at 13:49, John d said:

Yet no one is forcing you to read it. Hit a nerve? Feeling guilty about them few cans creeping up every night? Talk to someone before its to late


Jon seriously you need help  I never touch cans  ?bottles is the only way 

Edited by green lurchers
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