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8 hours ago, foxdropper said:

Can see the benefits of a licensing system but struggle to see how it will prevent the ill treatment of either quarry or dogs by those who think either are for bigging up egos.A good dog is not a status symbol but something to be quietly proud of ,treated with respect and respected as a living being not a tool to be abused .I'e distanced  myself from many a cruel c**t .

Thats the second post you,ve posted in 2 days that i wish id wrote.

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Sadly as I see it….. it is yet another case of history repeating itself. It’s not the first time that a very small and unrepresentative minority who have, by their actions and callous behaviour/

True, but it would give the honest decent lads something to protect their names with. It's never been any different, in my lifetime all you've had to do is buy yourself a terrier and "just like t

So predators killed and eat badger cubs , how does this give us a bad name ? Think before you reply .....who needs f***ing anti's

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7 hours ago, Pirate 9000 said:

With out some sort of licencing, I would say our days are numbered, change of government and its all over sad to say but I'm afraid weather we like it or not a reality.

A licence to do what?,you can get a car licence and twats drive illegaly,you can get a licence to be a doctor and be struck off for incompetence,you can get a bar licence and not hold your liquor.A licence to work terriers is about as much use as a chocolate ashtray,who would implement it?,who would regulate it?,who would endorse it?,the fecking politicians that wish to see the end of us.We cannot govern ourselves because of the feckwit minority within our ranks and no amount of regulation or licence will curb the ambitions of the dross we all know.

Edited by morton
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Morton  you've just it the nail on the head we can't govern ourselves, and has long as cnts believe it's an acceptable part of terrier work to batter a badger cub to death with a spade what future have we got, I wish I had the answer may be discussion like this someone might come up with something that would stop future programs like this being made, fcuk I've got it common sense and respect for what you're digging jobs a good one.

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20 minutes ago, Pirate 9000 said:

Morton  you've just it the nail on the head we can't govern ourselves, and has long as cnts believe it's an acceptable part of terrier work to batter a badger cub to death with a spade what future have we got, I wish I had the answer may be discussion like this someone might come up with something that would stop future programs like this being made, fcuk I've got it common sense and respect for what you're digging jobs a good one.

The feckwits and chancers soon move on to another chapter of their worthless existence whilst the rest attempt to address the balance,the antis and politicians thrive on their dumbfecker lifestyle and portray the rest with the same colour.My outlook now is feck everyone and walk in sandals.

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I think some of you fellas are fooling yourseloves if you think a license wouldn't be a move in the right direction, don't get me wrong it wouldn't eradicate the fools that we seen on the TV,  if someone wants to drive a car they will, if someone wants to shoot a gun they will, licenses are there for a reason it makes it harder for people to go out and do what they want anytime they want otherwise every f***ing idiot will be driving around and shooting guns etc. It should have been brought in years ago, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages and if not why do we look over our shoulders when we go for a dig. I would be interested if Blaise had any thoughts on our situation and any advise we could learn from.

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1 minute ago, Apache... said:

I think some of you fellas are fooling yourseloves if you think a license wouldn't be a move in the right direction, don't get me wrong it wouldn't eradicate the fools that we seen on the TV,  if someone wants to drive a car they will, if someone wants to shoot a gun they will, licenses are there for a reason it makes it harder for people to go out and do what they want anytime they want otherwise every f***ing idiot will be driving around and shooting guns etc. It should have been brought in years ago, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages and if not why do we look over our shoulders when we go for a dig. I would be interested if Blaise had any thoughts on our situation and any advise we could learn from.

Politicians and anti,s would be the only folk with an input into a licensing system and thats a flying fact,would they ask for the educated input of the folk to be licensed,not a fecking chance.How could it possibly eradicate the feckwits?,they would be the only ones looking to be licensed as they would see it as an endorsement of their feckless ego,ill be one of the fools thats not registered on a register of licence holders,another can of political worms.

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Morton I fully understand where your coming from but sometimes you have to take two steps back to take one forward pal, I for one know how corrupt and unjust the system is and have been on the receiving end a number of times, but with your mentality pal we are where we are and we have to live with it. It's only going to get worse and if the royal family couldn't save fox hunting the NWTF etc aren't going to save terrier work and anyone who thinks they will are dillusional. We are fortunate to be able to put a terrier to ground so let's make the most with what we have got for as long as we can.

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4 minutes ago, Apache... said:

Morton I fully understand where your coming from but sometimes you have to take two steps back to take one forward pal, I for one know how corrupt and unjust the system is and have been on the receiving end a number of times, but with your mentality pal we are where we are and we have to live with it. It's only going to get worse and if the royal family couldn't save fox hunting the NWTF etc aren't going to save terrier work and anyone who thinks they will are dillusional. We are fortunate to be able to put a terrier to ground so let's make the most with what we have got for as long as we can.

I fully understand where you are coming from mucker and wish there was a fix to the situation we find ourselves in,ive not long left at the entering and feel absolute misery at what we have left for the folk that wish to enter terriers in the future.If the folk a generation or two,the next and our generation had shown more resolve,commitment and fortitude then the folk following us would be in a far happier hunting environment,our forbears let us down and we have done the same.A licence is not the way forward as i feel it gives more authority to the folk that wish to rid us from their conscience.

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20 minutes ago, Apache... said:

Morton I fully understand where your coming from but sometimes you have to take two steps back to take one forward pal, I for one know how corrupt and unjust the system is and have been on the receiving end a number of times, but with your mentality pal we are where we are and we have to live with it. It's only going to get worse and if the royal family couldn't save fox hunting the NWTF etc aren't going to save terrier work and anyone who thinks they will are dillusional. We are fortunate to be able to put a terrier to ground so let's make the most with what we have got for as long as we can.

No disrespect fella..but heres a fact.. only because of the NWTF & IWTF and there many meetings and submissions codes of conducts is the reason in UK and North and South of Ireland..you can legally use a single terrier to ground..you think these federations didn't put there neck on the line to PROTECT properly conducted terrier work..and what was portrayed in that programme is what these federations stood tall and totally condemned any types of animal cruelty face to face with the very folk who had a say..and because these federations stood up is the reason your hunting in Ireland..terrier work was within 3 months going to be made a criminal offence.. and licencing wouldn't work... join your federation and HELP ... loads can be done.. but thet need like minded terrier folks to stand with them...turn up to AGMs and discuss as a collective what steps can and should be taken...and work together..and fight tooth and nail to save what you know when done correctly and competently is the number one humane method for fox control..even the government's know this... thats why it has NOT been banned.

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I think we have agree to disagree lads but I know if I got a knock on the door right now and was asked to get a license to dig to my terriers I would fly down and get one and if I got caught digging without one I'd get my van and dogs confiscated my house raided and a prison sentence, f**k me it's a no brainier. And let me tell you fellas is not a nice experience enough said ?.

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I think what pisses people off about licenced hunting is we think hunting is our god given right ,which it is.Over here we hunted the state forests for years,no one cared,but with the increasing population you now have to have a permit due to dickheads doing the wrong thing.I don't want to be the voice of doom but bigger human population means more restrictions in every aspect of life.Same as over here hunters are a minority,with more people against than for us.If we don't do as where told and be good boys and girls and get a licence,we will be fined or jailed and its only going to get worse world wide.Its not an animal welfare issue its $$$.

Edited by Aussie Whip
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10 hours ago, Apache... said:

Morton I fully understand where your coming from but sometimes you have to take two steps back to take one forward pal, I for one know how corrupt and unjust the system is and have been on the receiving end a number of times, but with your mentality pal we are where we are and we have to live with it. It's only going to get worse and if the royal family couldn't save fox hunting the NWTF etc aren't going to save terrier work and anyone who thinks they will are dillusional. We are fortunate to be able to put a terrier to ground so let's make the most with what we have got for as long as we can.

No offence Apache..... but it's a simple fact of life that terrierwork is the ONLY form of hunting with dogs which the Hunting Act 2004 doesn't seek to ban. Things like that don't just happen by accident, or as a result of some form of divine intervention by the Holy Father. It requires people who are willing and prepared to put their head above the parapet, spend countless hours pounding the corridors of Westminster in order to talk to politicians of all persuasions and put the case/defend properly conducted terrierwork (rather than the shameful exhibition we recently saw on TV).

Through the NWTF we were fortunate enough to have a group of of practicing terriermen, and by "practicing" I mean men who'd actually got their hands dirty and knew what they were talking about, rather than some form of professional lobbyists, who didn't have a clue. They were/are men who care enough about the job to give up their time, make lots of personal sacrifices and put themselves in the public firing line simply to argue our case. Clearly they're not very bright, because they don't get any form of financial reward for doing it and very little recognition or thanks (your post is the living proof of that).

On the plus side, I can speak from personal experience of the satisfaction derived when after taking the time to speak to an anti-hunting Labour MP, to see him stand up in the Chamber later that same day, wave a copy of the NWTF Code of Conduct he'd been given and speak up in our defence. If you doubt my words, then take a look at Hansard, it's there as a matter of record.

You seem to infer that in some way "the royal family could have saved fox hunting", it displays a complete lack of understanding of the Parliamentary Process and of the relative role of the Monarchy.

When you say "the NWTF etc aren't going to save terrier work and anyone who thinks they will are dillusional." at the very best you're uninformed. It may well be that you've not been around long enough to realise it, but you need to wake up to the fact that had it not been for the NWTF, the work it has done in the past and still continues to do today, that terrierwork would have been banned several decades ago. Once again if you doubt my word, then please drop me a PM with your email address and I'm more than happy to send you a copy of at least one of the variety of submissions which the NWTF has had to produce in response to the various Government consultations which would have impacted our way of life. They cover everything from banning hunting with dogs, to tail docking and lots in between. Had the NWTF NOT taken on this role then the antis would have had a free hand to say/do anything they liked.

With regards to discussions on the pros and cons of "licensing". I've hunted in several countries with licensing arrangements and for several years now the NWTF has had in place a number of building blocks which could possibly work to our advantage should such a situation arise. However it's important to bear in mind that something like that would also have very real risks. It would require primary Government Legislation and when you consider that the original Hunting Act (as put forward by Blair and Co) was intended to license and regulate hunting with dogs (NOT ban it), it's important to recognise that once things hit the Chamber they can be significantly changed and for the worse.

I hope this helps clarify matters.

Kindest Regards - Barrie

Edited by Barrie
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On ‎26‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 18:26, Glyn..... said:

Barrie , its just another nail , i don't know but i'm sure they picked the ones they did to portray terriermen , as thick knuckle dragging morans these lot were as it serves their purpose  , with a tory party of spineless wonders and a labour party as far left as i can remember , we all have a hell of a job on our hands , but you and your team are in the frontline will have to face them , if we can help in anyway don't be shy in asking,

Thanks Glyn.... I know that's the case and that where you're concerned it wouldn't be the first time you'd stood up to the mark, nor the last either ?

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2 hours ago, Ptd87 said:

The lad on the bloody programme was banned from keeping dogs? ... Didn't work did it, I can't see em being first in queue for a licence either 

What licensing does do, is to impose a set of rules/regulations relating to conduct (the conditions of licensing) and draws a very distinct line between those who would act within the law, as opposed to those who would not. You break the rules.... then you lose your license and face the penalties. That way the onus falls on the individual, rather than on the responsible majority.

J.M.H.O. - Barrie  

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