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Shocking trip

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This should make a few of you twisted buggers laugh, it did us.

yesterday I moved one of my chicken sheds, and as always is the case we saw about a dozen rats.

As always, I went out as soon as it got dark, the rats are always wandering around not too sure what's happened, and I bag up.

so, I had been around one side of the pen, only one rat, sat broadside on at 17 yds, no match for the jsb it rolled over in submission.

Walked the bottom fence and saw two more, knocked one down with ease,  and the second one scurried off up the hedge line in the direction I was heading.

Just as I turned the corner, I saw two further up the hedge, I couldn't get a shot, trees and branches in the way, so I manouvered about until I had one in the clear, it soon joined no2, , the other one stuck it's head around a tree stump to look at it's mate, big mistake as the 4th jsb went over to make good contact, this one did a little dance before coming to rest, checked it out and was bang on the money between its eyes.

Well I was going up the third side, scanning with the thermal as I walked, BANG ! TWAT ! I had completely forgot we had moved the electric fence line, I've walked this route every night for a year, I knew every hole, bump and branch, then clever nuts went and moved the fence ! 

I was on my face, my boot (metal toe caps) had hooked in one of the mesh and somehow wedged itself, the gun was also tangled in the net, I was laid on top of it like a beached whale porpoising around, and feeling every hit of the mains cattle charger its connected to, it felt like I was stuck in a mains socket for ten minutes. Jeez that thing has some clout.

Finally managed to extract myself and the gun, cursing but also very slightly amused it had got me, I called it a night until I can check the gun over and make sure zero is good.

The only thing damaged was my pride,  and we've been having a good giggle about it this morning.

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That can half hurt. Did I similar thing many years ago crawling at night under what should of been a single strand cattle fence, unbeknown to me I put my forehead right onto a lower wire, flash of blue and I was thrown straight back onto my back. Mate just pissed himself with laughter.

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I feel for you mate  One place I shoot she has electric fences everywhere and she normally turns them off for me   , but on this occasion she forgot .  leant my gun under the wire on top of the wall , out came a rabbit and everytime I came to pull the trigger kept getting a shock :laugh:

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One of the best laughs i had was me viz zandy01

walking down this track viz saw a rabbit so climbs the fence ducks under the wire and got thrown about 4 feet

he jumps up and says that ***&*&^ hurt

any way off he go,s for the rabbit misses comes back and stood looking at the wire walks over to the gate an old rotten wood gate looks it over and puts his hand on it and once again is thrown about 4 feet ,

by this time me and Andy are on the ground laughing

he then walks back to the wire and crawls under it but he had his rifle on his back he go,s under the rifle go,s over

yep you quest it it was like a taser affect

from the end of the barrel to the top of his head just a blue spark

he got off it sharpish i can tell you

tears rolling off our cheeks we did the top gear trick and left him to it

as we walked away all you could hear in the distance was zzzzzzzzzzzzzt aaaaaaaaaaaaah

and half way across the nect field all we could hear was zzzzzzzzzzt  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

me and Andy had to stop as we were laughing so much

when viz did catch up with us he was as red as a tomato and sweating buckets

Funny he never went back into the field again

Nor did we lol

Im sure if he reads this he will tel me to Feck off

me and Andy gave him some stick for that i can tell you

best laugh iv had in years lol


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  On 19/05/2018 at 08:32, Rabid said:

This should make a few of you twisted buggers laugh, it did us.

yesterday I moved one of my chicken sheds, and as always is the case we saw about a dozen rats.

As always, I went out as soon as it got dark, the rats are always wandering around not too sure what's happened, and I bag up.

so, I had been around one side of the pen, only one rat, sat broadside on at 17 yds, no match for the jsb it rolled over in submission.

Walked the bottom fence and saw two more, knocked one down with ease,  and the second one scurried off up the hedge line in the direction I was heading.

Just as I turned the corner, I saw two further up the hedge, I couldn't get a shot, trees and branches in the way, so I manouvered about until I had one in the clear, it soon joined no2, , the other one stuck it's head around a tree stump to look at it's mate, big mistake as the 4th jsb went over to make good contact, this one did a little dance before coming to rest, checked it out and was bang on the money between its eyes.

Well I was going up the third side, scanning with the thermal as I walked, BANG ! TWAT ! I had completely forgot we had moved the electric fence line, I've walked this route every night for a year, I knew every hole, bump and branch, then clever nuts went and moved the fence ! 

I was on my face, my boot (metal toe caps) had hooked in one of the mesh and somehow wedged itself, the gun was also tangled in the net, I was laid on top of it like a beached whale porpoising around, and feeling every hit of the mains cattle charger its connected to, it felt like I was stuck in a mains socket for ten minutes. Jeez that thing has some clout.

Finally managed to extract myself and the gun, cursing but also very slightly amused it had got me, I called it a night until I can check the gun over and make sure zero is good.

The only thing damaged was my pride,  and we've been having a good giggle about it this morning.


I hate the flaming things. They violently turn a fat old bloke into a teen brakedancing champion instantly!



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