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Never a dull trip out

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Too many family commitments this weekend so wasn't intending to get out but then a few spare hours this evening got the okay from the missus so quick as a flash grabbed the S410 and headed up the copse. As soon as I got there the leaf cover was very dense from my last visit and so there was only one possible area at the top where some trees had been felled earlier in the year. Whilst setting up a couple of woodies came in but I had yet to get the gun loaded so off they went. Once settled a couple of crows came in and presented an easy shot but just as I was about to squeeze the trigger I heard voices and a couple of walkers appeared from my left so I didn't take the shot and the crows flew on.

Later a couple of nice woodies came in and giving one a mildot holdunder it dropped instantly. Went to get it and searched everywhere in the nettles and hedge but no luck. Returned and awaited some more. The next shot required a shot through the leaves and unfortunately a deflection meant this was a wasted shot. Plenty more pigeons kept coming in to feed on the young ash leaves but none presented a clear shot so I just lay back and enjoyed watching a family of young badgers and a cock pheasant feeding twenty metres away.

Then a woodie came in and presented a clear shot and this one was dropped easily with a clean shot. But yet again I couldn't find it in the dense nettles and thick hedge. Decided to go back and look for the first one whilst noting the branch it was shot on and keeping this in sight as I crawled through the dense undergrowth. Trampled down all the waist high nettles, and just as I started dreaming of owning a gundog and looking at the moon I spotted the dam thing stone dead stuck eight feet up in the branches, one big stick later it was mine.

Sat back had a coffee and a few biscuits before heading home. Halfway down the copse I came across one the young badgers and took a quick photo before getting closer. I could of reached out and stroked it but due to it snarling I just gave it a stroke with the shooting sticks which it didn't appreciate.




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  On 18/05/2018 at 21:44, chrismdd said:




Now that my man is a moment.

On another note, I’ve got my mrs old mans S410 deluxe on borrow, the full length one... and Jesus Christ, it’s much much much better than I thought it was gonna be. Might have to get a superlite myself. Can’t belive how quite those Qtec mods are and how accurate the rifle is. It’s pushing my HM some I’ll tell you. 

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Chris that is a moment mate .

top class photos

its not all about shooting some thing

but just getting out there and watching nature at its best

some badger watcher sit for hours just to get a glimpse of one 

as say,d top pics Chris


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Well after using a number of pigeons shot from previous trips I made a family meal of 'pigeon breast ciabattas' together with steamed corn on the cob and asparagus which went down very well with the whole family and so with a few brownie points I was able to have an hour or two back up the copse. Set up and waited although tonight was a bit of deja vue with two woodies shot and only one found due to the thick undergrowth. Also with the lovely weather a few people were out walking and so keeping the woodies away, Being well concealed walkers would pass barely two metres behind me but have absolutely no knowledge that I was there.



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