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Guest ocs1867

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I know several that hunt badgers here with terriers. Most of them are on here, and I'll give them a chance to weigh in and post some pictures. Otherwise, I'll track some down.


Never heard of anyone hunting wolverines with any dogs. Not to say it can't be done, but wolverines are tough critters, essentially a weasel that can weigh up to 30 kg, and can back down a grizzly bear or a wolf. I wouldn't hunt 'em with any dog I've ever owned. To each his own though.

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I've known a few people that have or do from time to time but its not like you can go out and just do it the way its done there. Badger here in the states don't stay in the same sett for an extended period of time... they're travellers by all accounts that I've read or heard. They're a bit smaller here than the European... more agressive, they don't survive on worms... they eat critters and whatever seems right at the moment, and can dig through soil like otters swim through water.

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They're a bit smaller here than the European... more agressive, they don't survive on worms...


:laugh: Have you been talking to the greenies over here?


Speak to Kye and FR about badgers. Ratkilla you've got some pics haven't you mate?

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Ive heard from guys who have dug LOTS of them that they CAN be very rough, and buy rough, i mean ROUGH,...from my own exsperiance, the dig was very straight forward, although exciting...just because of the novelty of the fact...after the animal was dispacthed (it was pest control for the landowner) i almost felt gutted to be honest...i would sooner have put the thing in a barrel, drove 20 miles up the road, and let him go, but there are some VERY strange laws and regulations regarding that sort of the thing over here, so the animal was humanly dispatched,..


The one we had in the evening/late afternoon, was a much smaller animal but a much rougher customer,...and he was taken with two Lurchers bitches that are more than a little tasty on other game...imo, either dog would have done a better job if single handed, but again, you cant help certain things sometimes can you!?...


As for Wolverine!...i would never put a terrier to one, say up a pipe or summat,...but if i had my big dogs, i wouldnt think twice about putting them on one...if they was in a state that they could be hunted with dogs, and they was in season of course.


If RatKillah wants to put up a few pic's, he can...i dont have a clue how to...


All the best..



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