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Bedlington stud dog Yorkshire

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  On 07/08/2018 at 21:06, jiggy said:

Still it's nice to see lads like yourself making an effort to improve the few that are left.


Yes there are a few around that still keep them goin and have some real good terriers around them but like you say kc bedlingtons workwise are a thing of the past atb

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So after all the debates and discussions i did get a stud dog for my bitch........she had the pups yesterday 4 x dogs 2 x bitches all doing really well including my bitch who has done herself proud wi

sire is the blue dog and dam is choc bitch shite pic il see if i can get a better one

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your right about money ruining bedlingtons,  pups constantly being churned out for silly cash ? and a lot even breeding out of pups, example on show winning granitor dog over night wanting silly money stud fee and advertised as worked to ground every weekend if that's true it must be able to dodge punches well without getting knocked up ? another example , type in your after a beddy pup and I bet you will get pm instantly as I say for some its just finance and not about improveing beddys at all ?

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  On 08/08/2018 at 15:53, joeb8866 said:

I was gifted this red pup a while back. Was told he has beddy on the dams side, Pictured tied to the gate..sire black and tan lakeland going into his first proper season once we start up again. 20180807_131114.thumb.jpg.0802e981051803ddc08766f87dfeb3bd.jpg20180502_114038.jpg.22a7be349b4bf1f112f6e774231279ff.jpg



Red dog in top pic looks like loads of lakeys that I've seen over the years. Nice dog ?

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  On 05/08/2018 at 21:02, Str said:

If I were you Morton I would forget what others are doing and concentrate on your own dogs that way you will avoid a lot of the flack you receive because regardless what you say or do folks will do what they want with there own dogs,look what happened to George Newcombe he ended up falling out with a lot of folks which I don’t suppose did him any favours as he got older,so calm down and get some pics of your dogs on for us to have a look at,atb with your breeding program.


My biggest problem is that i don,t have much diplomacy in my nature,i see a turd and recognise the fact that i smelt it before i saw it.I wish i had your outlook on life and Bedlingtons,i see more in your posts than most that make me recognise the fact that im not always at the head of the queue in the Bedlington purpose.The facts are i don,t suffer fools,wasters,feckwits and chancers,that own Bedlingtons and make it my lifes purpose to expose them for what they are,plus i like the flack and Herman Goering and is third rate terriers.

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