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  On 13/05/2018 at 07:38, trigger2 said:

If you are serious about getting back fit mate then I recommend that you go to a running shop and get gait analysis done and buy the correct pair of trainers to suit. There’s no charge for it and believe me it can save you some aches and pains caused buy the wrong foot wear. How did you find that pace last night mate? For a few weeks I wouldn’t worry about times just distance and make sure you run it at chatty pace. 


Cheers for the advice, could come in handy because last year i got bad shin splints from sprinting too hard too soon. I was pretty spent but the run had plenty of hills so it took more out the tank than usual.

Edited by Kerny92
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Tried the bike but can'tsee how how riding a quad can help .Do I have to push it .

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Fcuking he'll mate the way you were going on I thought you were about 83! At 33 your still wet behind the ears. Follow Birds example he's 65 but you'll never hear him complaining.....

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Only been at it 3 weeks. Longest run today 6.5 km approx in 47 minutes, tarmac and track alongside the river. Apparently ive burned 470 kcals on the run, but doing bag and skipping 15 minutes before and after, sometimes 20 mins of mountain bike after. Surely I should be loosing a bit of weight soon! Or am I converting into muscle? Eating sensibly, couple of beers only 2 nights at the weekend.

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  On 13/05/2018 at 17:13, ChrisJones said:

Muscle is denser than fat so you could be losing inches but getting heavier. Don't worry about it.


OK hope so, im doing this 6 times a week, but started with shorter distances, and the bike is only a couple of times a week. Im 102kg & 5'10" with 3 pairs of socks on. Anyone similar height shape always seem to be 78ish kg! Always been the same though since I was a kid. I managed to get down to 90kg about 3 years ago felt week & skinny. So possibly 96 might suit. 

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  On 13/05/2018 at 17:38, Waz said:

OK hope so, im doing this 6 times a week, but started with shorter distances, and the bike is only a couple of times a week. Im 102kg & 5'10" with 3 pairs of socks on. Anyone similar height shape always seem to be 78ish kg! Always been the same though since I was a kid. I managed to get down to 90kg about 3 years ago felt week & skinny. So possibly 96 might suit. 


Good on ya, mate. I've always been a strength trainer and I generally shied away from cardio doing as little as I could get away with. Those that know me will know that I've never been arsed with the scales despite fluctuating from good to terrible condition on a yo-yo like basis. Running will get it off you quick as I'm sure our serving and former soldiers will agree but so will any form of exercise that raises your heart rate for a decent period of time. If you vary your form of exercise you're less likely to get bored with it.

My former nutritionist explained to me that 30 mins of cardio 3 times a week will halt cardiovascular decline whilst improving fitness. An hour 3 times a week will reverse cardiovascular whilst improving fitness. I'll leave that one for the THL fact checkers but if you're exercising more than you were last week, and eating better than you were last week you're going in the right direction, IMHO. The trick is time and consistency.

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  On 13/05/2018 at 17:57, WILF said:

I class eating better as eating more stuff that I like......and let me tell you, I like lots of things ! Lol 


I agree, mate. I believe nutrition and no exercise is fundamentally better for the average individual than lots of exercise combined with an iffy intake. Again one for the soldiers but I'm sure you've seen a lot of lads pile it on once the incentive for cardio disappears. Personally, I think it's very easy to drop weight if you don't mind what weight and what it does to you overall. My PB is 85lbs in 90 days living on fruit and vegetables. It started off as a barroom bet between gentlemen but turned into a science experiment to see how far to push the envelope. Looked great on the scales but resulting catabolism of the muscle tissue would have your average bodybuilder crying into his fake tan. Not to mention that if you approach it as a diet with a finite timespan you'll always reverse your results and then some.

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  On 13/05/2018 at 18:11, WILF said:

The trouble with food is, it’s just tastes so f***ing nice ! Lol 


Combine that with a Mrs that's a trained chef and you've got the makings of an obesity epidemic! F*ck it. I think today I'm going to train liver and abdominals. Cream cakes and beer all round!

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  On 13/05/2018 at 17:08, Waz said:

Only been at it 3 weeks. Longest run today 6.5 km approx in 47 minutes, tarmac and track alongside the river. Apparently ive burned 470 kcals on the run, but doing bag and skipping 15 minutes before and after, sometimes 20 mins of mountain bike after. Surely I should be loosing a bit of weight soon! Or am I converting into muscle? Eating sensibly, couple of beers only 2 nights at the weekend.



Just takes time and consistency but them beers pack a lot of calories 

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  On 13/05/2018 at 07:41, Kerny92 said:

Cheers for the advice, could come in handy because last year i got bad shin splints from sprinting too hard too soon. I was pretty spent but the run had plenty of hills so it took more out the tank than usual.


Shin splints are usually a beginners injury as a general rule mate so it does get better as you know. Like I say mate just concentrate on running at a chatty pace finish the run with the feeling you could run that again straight away. I don’t if you know but by all accounts you’ve got up to 2 hours after your run to stretch out so I am informed by the coach in my local club. 

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Just done 5k in 25 minutes, the lungs weren't too bad but the shin splints feel like they are starting. They are starting to get me down, never had them my whole life until last year when i did some sprints at boxing training. Pisses me off because the only real remedy is rest!

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  On 14/05/2018 at 20:01, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

That’s not bad shifting for a restarted runner mate 

Is it definitely shin splints ?

not just muscle lag ? Or itb strain? 

Try a foam roller 


Yeah i think it is pal, my shins are tender to touch? Maybe you are right but they are pissing me off. 


Yeah i didn't do too bad tonight to say there was a few decent hills as well, finished with a bit of a spurt too. ?

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