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Hw 100 pellet choice

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Hi just got a HW100 ks 177 I just want to know has any one who uses these rifles got a preference on pellet brands. When I bought the rifle I was given 2tins of H&n field target but the grouping leaves a little to be desired. Cheers guys



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Have you cleaned the barrel with a pull through ,if not that is a must .

I use  AA express 7.9 gr out to 60+yards even in windy conditions 805 fps

JSB heavies  10 .3 gr running @ 715 fps are another great pellet in most guns

AA  fields 8.44 gr running @ 781 fps good average pellet

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Iv just got the same gun lee and i shot some cleaning plugs through it, the grouping was crap at first but after a few hundred pellets its sound, im useing bizley magnums and there sound, try a few types and see which is best, iv been target shooting this morning and its spot on now zeroed at 40 mtrs, yours will be fine once the barrel is cleaned, leaded and you find the right pellet mate.

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I got a new 100 last year and the barrel was mingin.... go on youtube and have a look at pull troughs!

you can make your own and save £20? I use fishing line and squares of bandage!!

I use jsb express in mine too.. the heavies are good and equally as accurate but these light ones are mint for ratting with n/v

after that if non of the pellets group that have been mentioned above by the lads have a go with rws my mate wont use anything else in his hw100

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5 hours ago, mandog said:

I've recently had great success with jsb polymags

That's actually not a bad shout - I did some testing with Polymags and H&N Bracuda Hunter Extremes in my .177 HW100.


The Polymag shorts were a lot better than the longer version.

 ........ I found the shorts to be very accurate up to 40yrds. From 45yrds the groups opened up a lot.


Within that range, I found those pellets to be very effective.

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I`ve still yet to try VM`s recommendation of the JSB Exact Express 7.87g, 4.52 in my 100 kt but now use that pellet in "all" my other .177 rifles with outstanding groups.

                            I know all rifle barrels are different but to help you along I have used AA Fields 8.4 g, 4.52 in my HW 100 KT for over 4 years now without a barrel clean.

                            Unless you begin to get poor accuracy, once your chosen pellet is found, do not clean your rifle barrel and stick to your pellet choice in that barrel " religiously" !

                            Here`s a typical 8 shot group using AA Fields. ( sorry about the pigeon sim` target.)






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Cleaning has been mentioned a few times above and is seldom a bad thing, but is not required in anything like the same way as rimfires or centrefires.

Lead deposit is about all most air rifles will ever see, making sure rifling is clear is good, and being careful of crown damage will help, but generally not a lot of cleaning required on most air rifles!

Pellet choice is the main thing and it may well take quite a few before you find one that suits the rifle and quarry!

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  • 3 weeks later...


i have just got same rifle and am testing pellets. The H and N FTT 4.50 is pretty good but groupings at 45 yds have been unpredictable. I have just got pellet testing pack which is H and N FTT 4.50, 4.51 and 4.52 40 of each to test which best. Also has Baracuda match 40 of each in same 3 sizes. Baracuda match is same as Bisley Magnums i.e H and N make them for Bisley but are supposed to be higher quality. I will report back after the testing but I have fired 1000 H and N FTT 4.5 through the barrel so far and cleaned. It is excellent at 25 yards but less consistent further out. CAn still get 1 inch group at 45 yards.  Looking forward to rigorously testing the other pellets


Have seen good things about RWS superfields and Bisley Mgnums with HW 100

I will be testing this weekend hopefully!


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