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Protection Dogs ?

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Good protection dogs them Chihuahuas I got my daughter one then that got a protection dog lol

I know a lot of trainers in the security/protection dog industry and the money that gets charged for some right old shit is unbelievable.There seems to be more bullshitters and f***ing idiots in that

Exactly right.Everyone likes the idea of having a dog that can do what you see the Mali's doing in the YouTube clips but the truth of the matter is 99% of people wouldnt have the time or the knowledge

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4 hours ago, Boss-Hog said:

hard biting man eater u  are in world trouble unless  are got something even odds thats fact u know i know beetlejuice lol 

I know someone got a little 55lb lurcher that would f**k the best of men up.

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On 7 May 2018 at 22:10, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

A total disaster waiting to happen 

far too much dog for the average lurcher man 

The greyhound  can have a massive deleterious effect when xes with the malli one needs to be lucky to get a f1 with the malls real desire, be better with one bred over a few generations or a reverse  xs why take all that drive from a breed and natural ability other than the fleetest off game the purse will catch has much game has a f1 collie xs  and definitely up to tackling  bigger things. If one has the ability to master a driven animal has the malli ,have no fear reap the rewards a full rounded hunting jukel companion can be got.,and that's from experience not here say .atb bunnys

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On 9 May 2018 at 18:35, Rabid said:

About 11 years ago I was taken to court, two blokes climbed over my gate, 6 foot high metal,, that was padlocked, had a sign on it saying beware of the dogs.

luckily, only one dog was out at the time, but she nailed one of them pretty good, anyways, long story short came home to a police notice on the gate, contacted them, invited for an interview which I duly done, was threatened with charges for keeping a dangerous dog unless I had it destroyed in which case it would all go away, I point blank refused.

Had numerous council officers round, dog warden etc etc, it was all agreed the dog was fine with people in general, but dangerous when guarding, I got charged and it went to court, the dog warden actually gave evidence for me not the prosecution,  the magistrate laughed at the victim in court, told him if he was intent on climbing over a 6foot high locked gate he deserved all he got.

It was dismissed from court, but the judge gave me some advice, he said, when you get home, take that bloody sign off the gate as your admitting you know your dogs will attack, and give the dog a pat on the back !! 


Many yrs ago. I found myself in a similar position ,my male alsation grey mauled a man taking his top shoulder out ,I spent a few hrs sat before a jury and jugde.at the crown. I was duly found not guilty ,the prosecution was saying the dog was used  illegally etc .i fear if the verdict was diffeent both me and my jukel would of in deep shit .the jukel I keep now his far more clear headed on and off button brill. But still alsation xs grey. Ate bunnys

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On 8 May 2018 at 21:55, dogmandont said:

But that’s exactly what I meant stiff, them dogs have been pasted about and have never made a proper bond. I’ve had a good few dogs round me and out of them all I’ve only ever had a real bond and connection with two of them where I was there everything the rest would of worked for anyone and were happy as long as they were being grafted. But when you get a proper bond its something else.

You're right a good bond will give that animal another gear .i never had trouble bogey ting jukels ta bond only on odd occasions we ain't clicked ,I find the breeds that need lots a stimulation work loads one on ones suit me I we get ta know each other inside out its a fact there will be lots of malls passed on now has failures etc. This in part will be down to handlers knowing only one way how to react to the animals temp etc ,a good handler s that have real patience ,are few and far between ,lots want instant results and small blips are soon seen has failed animals .the real bond may never be gotten with some handlers ,the exchange of handlers no matter how good the animal will and can have negative effects .working type malls of the right breeding are the top all round athlete of the canine world ,and da me more than a drop his fa the better.early days on the Lurcher type would like ta see a third or fourth f1generation bred  they could be off the scale  given the right handler.atb bunnys

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