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Neo-Prohibition? (1st May in Scotland)

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Same this end. Utah is predominantly mormon, and mormons are supposed to be teetotal. They have a huge representation in government and the laws reflect that. You can buy beer in supermarkets and licenced stores but it's only 4% by volume. Anything above that has to be sold in a state-run liquor store. Mon-Sat 11-7. Closed Sunday's and holidays. Prices vary from reasonable to extortionate but it depends on what you're after.

Considering it's against their Words Of Wisdom the department of alcoholic beverage control is the only government establishment that makes a profit.

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If they want to change the culture (and boozing in Scotland is a cultural thing just like Ireland) then they should follow England’s example and import 98 million Muslims !  Things like this are

Most of the SNP followers are all the alkie c**ts and drug addicts also a fair few on disability. Deluded in thinking if the SNP get independence there benefits are going to double overnight and there

Alkies will still be getting pissed just means less money for food for the kid's.

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5 hours ago, Greyman said:

Looks like pissheads the world over are being robbed already, I,m paying £30 for 44pints of my favourite farmhouse scrumpy direct from the farmer, and 3/4 pints will give you a good little wobble, plus there,s no chemicals involved just pure apple juice so I can count it as one of my five a day win win ?

Do the farmer's need a license to sell it to you and if they do will it effect the price with the new law.

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36 minutes ago, peterhunter86 said:

Do the farmer's need a license to sell it to you and if they do will it effect the price with the new law.

he doesn't live in scotland

Edited by greg64
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2 hours ago, peterhunter86 said:

Do the farmer's need a license to sell it to you and if they do will it effect the price with the new law.

I think it will come in, in England, but the proper cider makers seem to get a lot of exemptions because it's a bit of a Somerset tradition, i would  imaging licences would depend on quantity brewed and how you sell it, some people just put a board up outside the farm and others brew in bigger batch,s and supply local pubs, in the millennium year they were given millions of pounds in grants to replant the apple trees as it was a dying thing so I doubt they will  pull the rug out and if shit comes to shove it's very easy to make it yourself as it is just apples, no yeast,no sugar and no chemicals, squeeze out the juice and leave it in a barrel job done, sadly I sold all my kit a couple of years back but it's dead easy to start up if needed in the future 

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