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leaking car

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Right i got a volkswagen polo after a nice kind farmer wrote my car of for me. it did not cost much as it was bought mostly for running to and from my work and for the dogs (other cars to nice to get dirty :laugh: ) we thought it was leaking water in through the sunroof so we sealed it shut never to be opened again,but after two wild nights of wind and pissing rain i got in this morning and there was a large puddle of water behind the drivers seat,


any ideas any one where its coming from

Edited by scottishlass
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check do you still have a heater in the car.................turn the heating up and if not get a garage to check the heater hoses under the front dash.......i'd nearly bet my life this is were it's coming in........good luck :thumbs:

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Open your cars doors. On the bottom rim of the door, there should be some small holes for drainage. get a knife or a screwdriver and clean all of the shite out of them. Sometimes they're full of mud, and instead of the water coming out into the door jams, it comes into the car. Other than that, get a hose on a dry day, and get someone to run the hose around all the seals, and get the person inside to check on the inside, where the hose is being sprayed.

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When I was working as a mechanic in a big dealership we had one bloke who specialised in water leaks which took him all his time to sort.

It's no easy task and water can be running in from one end of the car only to be found collecting at the other end.

I spent hours locked in the boot with a torch as an apprentice waiting for water to come in!

One of the most common things apart from torn/split doors seals was this...

Water hitting the front door windows either runs down the outside or finds its way inside the door cavity.(the space between the metal outer door and the inner plastic/wood which your window winder is attached to).

To stop the water from creeping inside,a polythene sheet is glued underneath the plastic/wooden pannel.

The glue often goes hard or the polythene split or even left out by cowboy mechanics which lets water in over night.

Windscreen sealant also weakens with time allowing water to gather some distance from the front of the car.

You need lots of patience and detective work!

Good luck.

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by the sound of it, it,s running past the door seal, rain gets under the seal(in between seal and car body) You could take the seal off clean around where it fits and clean inside seal groove fill with sealer from a car shop or get anew seal to replace it, not the easiest of problems to solve rain gets in from places you would,nt believe, best of luck russ

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have your lad grovell about underneath the bugger coz i reckon the sills {inner} have probaly got rot in them around the bottom seat belt mounts on the side of the motor, most cars devoelope this if the rot has sett in , the drain holes that are there are only for draining paint when its sprayed and should be plugged.if it is the sills it should fail the mot and cost you a few bob too sorry :icon_eek:

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