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Diane Abbott !!!!

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Oh f**k thougt you were gonna say she was dead

On Diane Abbott's tour of Ireland she was asked if she liked county down. She said she preferred it when Carol Vordeman was doing it.

"Give us £10 million...........,or we'll release her unharmed !

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  On 30/04/2018 at 16:26, ChrisJones said:

62% of her constituents! :laugh:



Oh them fkn morons anyways Chris stop talking bout labour I’m about to sit down to 9 English Suffolk spring lamb chops something that represents all thats great in the uk unlike that bag of shit and her Ilk 

Edited by green lurchers
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  On 30/04/2018 at 16:38, walshie said:

I wonder how she'd do if she was moved somewhere where the constituents were mostly white and educated? 6.2%


If only it worked like that...

She's shadow home secretary and when they get in she'll be in charge of policy on a national level. You can't make that sh*t up!

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  On 30/04/2018 at 08:15, Blackbriar said:

I read a short interview with Abbott in Saturday's paper.

She receives one third of all the abusive communications received by MPs - a fact I find a little surprising.............and yet completely understandable !


What surprises you ,that it wasn't higher 

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htf.... has she still got a job?!

she's like walking barely talking example of failed education.. I put money on it that my 9 year old lad could run rings round her!!

if you met her in the street and didn't know who she was you'd think she's got special needs and thats no slur to people with genuine sn. 

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Just before the last election  she was hid away and was a press release saying she was really ill. 

Now she back in the forefront of the opposition.  Come next election she will be hid away again till its ovdr. Corbyn is a c**t but not daft enough not to know she is a vote killer among ordinary brits.  However she has the vote of the wogs. Doesn't matter to them if she is competent they vote by skin colour and the fact she hates the police and the establishment. 

Hopefully she drops dead or she gets found out and its big enough she can't wriggle out of.

I trully hate her and even if she wasn't a tribe member id still despise her. 

She must be blackmailing  (pun  intended)  corbyn there is no other rational explanation for it. 


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  On 30/04/2018 at 19:27, scothunter said:

Just before the last election  she was hid away and was a press release saying she was really ill. 

Now she back in the forefront of the opposition.  Come next election she will be hid away again till its ovdr. Corbyn is a c**t but not daft enough not to know she is a vote killer among ordinary brits.  However she has the vote of the wogs. Doesn't matter to them if she is competent they vote by skin colour and the fact she hates the police and the establishment. 

Hopefully she drops dead or she gets found out and its big enough she can't wriggle out of.

I trully hate her and even if she wasn't a tribe member id still despise her. 

She must be blackmailing  (pun  intended)  corbyn there is no other rational explanation for it. 



spot on,  :thumbs:  as long as people like her are in the labour party , they will never get in , and god help us if they ever did80

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I hope labour win a landslide !.......because whatever it is the UK is waiting for before it wakes up it obviously hasn’t had enough of it yet.

If the Tony Blair Tory party isn’t enough, maybe old Dianne will do the trick ?

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