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bbc2 tonight

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A lot of the BBC wildlife stuff is in Bristol so maybe a few local peregrines, I remember seeing my first one on the cliffs at clevedon years ago, now I have around 10 nesting pairs in a 10 mile radius of my house it's pretty awesome sitting in my urban garden looking up and seeing them circling around miles up, and every now and then have seen them tuck the wings in and dive for a pigeon, brilliant recovery story thanks for the heads up ?

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Used to watch them every year when I was growing up as they nested on the mountain at the back of my parents house. I used to sit in the garden for hours watching them hunt and call to their young and drop dead birds for them to catch as they taught them to hunt. 

One of my best wildlife memories was when I was walking through the alley opposite my mothers house and a pigeon came flying through just above me head with a peregrine inches behind it. 

Most of the pigeon racers in my village hated them but one old boy used to say that the peregrines will always take out the weak birds as they are obviously easier prey so would donhim a favour with natural selection .......

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That was a superb bit of film.

I once watched a mate's Tiercel Peregrine do a magnificent Climb to a few feet up into the clouds above us, whilst his dog held the point on a valley below us. The dog  flushed on command and the bird came down in a stoop so fast I could not believe my eyes, as its dropping he says to me and the other fella.. watch this...and the falcon started flapping mid stoop in a downward sort of motion..he says it's trying to gather a bit more speed...it then closed it wings and seemed to gather even more pace..it hit the partridge flying across the valley in front of my eyeline and like a slow motion BBC wildlife documentary in HD realaity..right in front of mine eyes... It was one of the most spectacular things I have ever seen in my whole life. . . it was like time stood still, all the birds went silent and you could hear your own heartbeat. After picking up the bird and sorting it out my mate turned to me and said... I hate you... I'm like why?  he says... I've been at this for over 20 years and never get to see all the elements come together so perfectly like that just did... You come out just for a casual walk and a watch and you get to see the best presentation of a perfect flight that could ever possibly occur.

 I was laughing and winding him up at this point...  well the pair of them get settled and by now his dog is back down the valley and marking/pointing again. So his mate now releases a big hybrid falcon of Gry/peregrine type breeding, That also did the same thing but climbed a little lower in height than the smaller bird... Anyway, the dog flushed again and another partridge made the same flight path across the valley in front of me and the big bird just dropped like a missile in a straight line and hit the partridge bang smack in front of me again ! 

 He still says I'm the jammiest git he's ever known. . . . . . A day I will never forget.I totally get the reason to strive for that if you keep falcons/Hawks etc.

Time stands still rarely..but it did that day. 



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