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  On 27/04/2018 at 07:17, WILF said:

No mate they don’t......but they should.

And If baffles me because it’s never about “the thing” at the end of folks noses, it’s always about the bigger picture.

When you strip it back, the very harsh reality is that it don’t matter if the toddler lives or dies to everyone commenting here.......what matters is that the state can order you to die and charge you the type of money for the privillage that means you will always be poor and at their mercy from the time you are born to the time they put you in the ground.

That should matter to everyone but they don’t seem to consider it.

At the time of the hunting ban a good pal of mine who is a non hunter said “well, it don’t matter to me because I don’t hunt”

But it’s like anything else, how long is it before they come and get your thing?

State mandated death of a child of a family who have spent a fortune investing in the thing that’s going to kill their kid.......does that seriously not bother anyone else?

”Please keep our child alive”

”Now, be a good citizen and move out the way.....we know best”

”oh, look over there at that nurse.....she is an angel isnt she”

Nothing to see here.......move along.



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I can definitely understand the logic in what the doctors are saying....but speaking as a parent I'd be doing exactly what these parents are doing...I just couldn't give up on one of my kids...always

Thank you for your sentiments, Wilf, but I wasn't looking for sympathy mate. Not at all. I looked at this story, but I was also thinking of little Alfie Evans and many the many others like him. I

I'm gonna wade in here.... The waste in the NHS is fuucking disgusting! Paying ridiculous amounts to managers, stupid fees to import Drs to work the weekends from Europe and beyond, not training

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  On 27/04/2018 at 07:17, WILF said:

State mandated death of a child of a family who have spent a fortune investing in the thing that’s going to kill their kid.......does that seriously not bother anyone else?


Of course, mate, it bothers everyone. There isn't a parent here that hasn't at least attempted to put themselves in the Evans shoes. I don't believe for a moment that Alder Hey is killing their kid, quite the opposite. I just believe they've reached the point where in their medical opinions, based on their areas of specialism, the treatment should be making him the most comfortable while they wait for the inevitable. They believe that his brain has eaten itself to the point where any further treatment is futile. Obviously, his parents disagree and are hanging onto the possibility that he will make a reasonable recovery to the point where he'll have some kind of quality of life.

A government run healthcare system is allowed to make these decisions, based on costs and budgetary restraints. Even the NHS has those. A private healthcare system will allow you to maintain treatment as long as you're paying the bill. The costs and budgetary restraints are at the consumer level.

As for not letting him travel to another hospital in Italy for continued treatment, I'm frankly baffled. But then none of us is in possession of the full facts and only what the media has given us and we know how reliable that is.

The bottom line is one of finance. Does it bother me? Sure but that's Jenga.


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  On 27/04/2018 at 12:50, South hams hunter said:

Based on your punctuation, I'd hazard a guess that my IQ is higher


This is quite an emotive thread and many people have been touched by it through there own experiences including yourself, yet still your only contribution is to start name calling and degenerate every thread into a slanging match, you really are the epitome of a keyboard warrior, just try to contribute in a constructive way instead of acting like a school bully, you would probably find your time here a lot more rewarding and you might even learn something, it looks totally cuntish trying to turn a thread about a dying child into a point scoring exercise and although the others might not agree with wilf they are having a conversation about it and might all gain something, were as your just making yourself out to be an ass and it's not nice to watch ?

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  On 27/04/2018 at 15:15, Greyman said:

This is quite an emotive thread and many people have been touched by it through there own experiences including yourself, yet still your only contribution is to start name calling and degenerate every thread into a slanging match, you really are the epitome of a keyboard warrior, just try to contribute in a constructive way instead of acting like a school bully, you would probably find your time here a lot more rewarding and you might even learn something, it looks totally cuntish trying to turn a thread about a dying child into a point scoring exercise and although the others might not agree with wilf they are having a conversation about it and might all gain something, were as your just making yourself out to be an ass and it's not nice to watch ?


Hang on grey man I think you'll find mine was only in retaliation so why don' you go back to looking for big foot

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  On 27/04/2018 at 15:19, South hams hunter said:

Hang on grey man I think you'll find mine was only in retaliation so why don' you go back to looking for big foot


Mate are you 12 or something look at your reply, you,ve just confirmed everything I said and it's sad as f**k, do you want me to call you a name so you can carry on trying to impress yourself, I won't reply again, but I tried, have a good one

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Christ almighty... how does a very sensitive and emotive thread descend to this :blink:

Tbh I'm disgusted!

We can all have an opinion, such is the beauty of debate. Never make the mistake yours is the only one and way!

Personally, I would've already had his passport ready and would take him to Mars, if there was even a slight hope. Kids are remarkable things and their ability to recover when all is lost is incredible. Hence stories of babies waking up when they've been pronounced dead and by rights should be brain dead. Yet they go on to lead normal lives (my mum for one) and what is normal? Someone who can walk, talk and think? Or someone who can think? What about autistic kids who can't interact in a 'normal' way with others. Yet have real relationships with their family?

If Alfies family wanted to continue his treatment in hope, who the fuuck is any Dr to decide nope and convince the judge as such? They have a duty of care to give all the information.... it ain't theirs or any judges decision to pull any plugs... This is purely a finacial decision IMO!

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If it was for financial reasons they would have let him go also a costly court case etc the NHS had the perfect opportunity to wash their hands of it. Financial reasons make no sense in the argument 

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I have watched this having lost a child much younger than Alfie I totally understand his parents and God bless them they have tried everything I don't agree with the nosy protests outside the hospital or the threats to staff if true but how can a judge sit there and deny there last hope is beyond me and I see no one with any clout as step in health Secretary etc yet jail two c**ts for drug smuggling abroad  and there on it  it should be down to the parents at the end of the day it's them that carry this with them forever they have been let down massively 

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