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Commemoration Day

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Apparently every 22nd April from now on will be a National Commemoration day to mark the anniversary of Stephen Lawrence's death.


My only thought is WHY? 

Loads of people have been killed for loads of different reasons but this particular one which has been rammed down our throats for 25 years gets it's own day? FFS. 

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When your mom becomes part of the liberal elite in the lords then I’m  sure you’ll get your own day should you be killed before your time.

The kid isn’t even buried in this country. Shit way to die for a shit reason but c’mon, it happens everyday to all races for different reasons.....it’s a f***ing joke!

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Why ?

Because this was the murder that changed a nation, that made us all question our attitudes, that decided the police are 'institutionally racist'.......blah, blah, blah.

This is just a one-off - the rate they're killing each other in London, we'd quickly run out of days..........

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Will we ever stop bending over backwards to appease "Baroness" Lawrence? 

Her son's death was horrible, agreed, but for her to use that as a meal ticket for life is disgusting.

I can only assume we will be having commemoration days for all the people killed in the terrorist attacks too.

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Utter shite just another token gesture to appease a shower of c**ts. The same shower who would stab you for you're phone or whatever was in you're pocket.

Plenty young whites have been murdered in the street and have never even had a mention in the local paper cause who gives a f**k. No news story there or mass outpouring of injustice.

The day she got a title from the state was the day I finally thought "yes we have definitely become second class citizens in our own country"  

Never a truer word spoken.

"The black man will have the whip hand over the white man"

Shame on us for allowing politicians to destroy this country and f**k every so called celebrity and musician who becomes apologists on our behalf while making a fortune in the process. How f***ing dare you apologise on my behalf you selling out shower of c**ts! 

Commemoration day my arse! 


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  On 23/04/2018 at 16:43, scothunter said:

Utter shite just another token gesture to appease a shower of c**ts. The same shower who would stab you for you're phone or whatever was in you're pocket.

Plenty young whites have been murdered in the street and have never even had a mention in the local paper cause who gives a f**k. No news story there or mass outpouring of injustice.

The day she got a title from the state was the day I finally thought "yes we have definitely become second class citizens in our own country"  

Never a truer word spoken.

"The black man will have the whip hand over the white man"

Shame on us for allowing politicians to destroy this country and f**k every so called celebrity and musician who becomes apologists on our behalf while making a fortune in the process. How f***ing dare you apologise on my behalf you selling out shower of c**ts! 

Commemoration day my arse! 



100%  mate,  if you remember   back then a white lad in Scotland  , was abducted   in a car by a gang of Pakistan's  , they slit his throat  and dumped him  in a  old house. it never mad the feckin News over here  :censored: ,  have  a day for the poor white lad that  the  Paki   scum killed :yes:     when they had that   Stephen Lawrence  program for 3 nights, i never watched it  , got far better  things  to do than watch  that  shit .!!

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Fukc me why not just make him a saint and be done with it .....

i take it we will be having a lee rigby day then ??? Oh no of course not he wasn't black was he .......

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  On 23/04/2018 at 17:06, socks said:

Fukc me why not just make him a saint and be done with it .....

i take it we will be having a lee rigby day then ??? Oh no of course not he wasn't black was he .......


Fusilier Right was killed only a couple of miles or so away from Stephen Lawrence !

One murder is claimed to have "changed a nation"..........but I know that the other one should have !

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  On 23/04/2018 at 16:58, bird said:

100%  mate,  if you remember   back then a white lad in Scotland  , was abducted   in a car by a gang of Pakistan's  , they slit his throat  and dumped him  in a  old house. it never mad the feckin News over here  :censored: ,  have  a day for the poor white lad that  the  Paki   scum killed :yes:     when they had that   Stephen Lawrence  program for 3 nights, i never watched it  , got far better  things  to do than watch  that  shit .!!


Krissy Donald 15 year old abducted by 5 pakis taken on a couple hundred miles car journey where they beat the shit out of him. Stabbed him dozens of times. Drove back up here dragged him from the car doused him in petrol and set him on fire while still alive.

As you said probably never even mentioned down you're way. 

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  On 23/04/2018 at 17:14, scothunter said:

Krissy Donald 15 year old abducted by 5 pakis taken on a couple hundred miles car journey where they beat the shit out of him. Stabbed him dozens of times. Drove back up here dragged him from the car doused him in petrol and set him on fire while still alive.

As you said probably never even mentioned down you're way. 


that's the one mate :thumbs:    ,  being white  dont  sell papers or make telly programs ,  i bet  that ugly  fooker  Diane  Abbot   never speaks about  kissy Donald  being killed ,  no  he white    , thats why :yes:

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we are fuked... like  sh said above we've got deranged leftie musicians and super political film stars,

influencing the media and up and coming youth/voters who jezza wants to vote at 16 cos there the only silly fukers who believe his sh1t.


have any of you lads seen that black tranny thats's supposed to be a model.. he/she has  been on gmtv a few times!

she/he quite blatantly says every white person is racist... this sh1ts gonna get worse and worse :( 


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