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Sacs Membership

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My present insurance is due for renewal in January,and as you may or may not know,the SACS will offer a discounted membership if 8 or more members join (this way we are deemed a club) From what i have read and heard from other members the SACS offer as good if not better cover than the larger hunting/shooting bodies,and at a much cheaper rate.The full adult membership is (i believe) £28,but if we join as a club (8 or more members) this price drops to £20.I have 15 forum members interested at the moment,so if anyone is interested please get in touch,and we can all save a few quid. :thumbs:






We know our SACS insurance package is the best package for those involved with all country sports, but we want you to know just how good it really is!


One of the most common reasons for joining SACS is in order to be certain of having proper third party insurance cover, in case something happens and you end up being sued. Most people don’t read the small print, though, and as a result they hope they are covered for everything, but not really sure if they are covered for anything! To ensure that our members are not in this helpless position, the information below should be of interest.


Third-party Liability (All recognised country sports, except competitive horse events)

This covers all types of shooting with any legal weapons, whether at live or artificial targets, indoors or outdoors; all types of fishing with rod and line; all types of falconry and hawking; all types of gundog work, including tests and trials; all types of lurcher and terrier work, including racing and showing at events; ferreting; archery; hunting, hacking and general personal horse use; the use of hounds, etc. for hunting. The fishing cover includes fishing anywhere within UK Territorial Limits, so sea-fishing is also specifically covered, provided you are within this area. Please note that this cover applies when carrying out these activities as a sport – it does not cover commercial activities, or carrying out these activities for hire or reward. SACS has a ‘Business Member’ category, which covers even commercial activities which would otherwise be country sports, and anyone wishing to extend their cover in this way should be registered as a Business Member. To find out if you should have this additional cover, contact SACS HQ.


Employers Liability

The cover includes employer’s liability for casual beaters and pickers-up, and anyone who may be assisting you with your sport in some way. In law, anyone who is ‘employed’, which simply means receiving some kind of reward for what they are doing, is treated differently from an ordinary member of the public for insurance purposes. Your SACS insurance covers these ‘employees’ while they are acting on your behalf.


Legal Insurance

One of the most common difficulties members encounter is when they apply for a firearm or shotgun certificate, or to renew their existing certificates. These problems are becoming increasingly common, as the article in this issue on licensing problems shows. Your SACS insurance includes up to £100,000 for legal expenses to cover the cost of employing expert legal assistance in appealing against a refusal or other associated difficulties. This legal insurance also covers your legal costs in defending yourself if you are charged with alleged offences relating to your sport – the most common of these are currently under the Wildlife and Countryside Acts, although there are others. The legal representatives we use are widely acknowledged to be among the best in the country.


Finally, note that if you are resident in UK, the cover applies anywhere in the world while you are on holiday. If you are not a UK resident, the same cover will apply, but only while you are actually in the UK. Your SACS membership subscription provides you with the most comprehensive insurance package possible for those involved with country sports







Edited by bill88
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For those who were interested in joining at the discounted rate of £20,i now have 15 names on my list,so all being well we should be able to form "The Hunting Life Club" and become members of the SACS.I have pm'ed and email'ed Foxgun Tom,and as soon as he gets back to me,and gives me the go ahead,ill pass on the details to all those interested.Bill :thumbs:

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