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Overseas aid ?

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Why are we giving this amount of money away to countries like Pakistan which has a nuclear bomb capability and a space program? And others like nigeria  that are a load of scammers. It's a joke when every system in this country is under austerity  measures. Crazy.


Edited by Meece
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It's the Westminster version of a middle class yuppie at a dinner party telling everyone he spent his gap year building a hospital in the Sudan. I'd decimate it and put it straight into the defence budget, ring-fenced for humanitarian deployments.

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the only time aid should be given is if theres some kind of humanaterion disaster.....

as for our tax.....i watched the wright stuff some time back and they had callculated that if every person working and every business paid just 17% instead of finding loopholes...the pot would be overflowing with £££££

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yes agreed...there always getting out of it..

yeh real bad the potholes round here in notts....bust a rear spring the other week on the K.A ...cost £15 for a new one and £15 to fit......thank f**k i drive round in a cheap motor...:D

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11 minutes ago, TOMO said:

yes agreed...there always getting out of it..

yeh real bad the potholes round here in notts....bust a rear spring the other week on the K.A ...cost £15 for a new one and £15 to fit......thank f**k i drive round in a cheap motor...:D

Better tell Aaron , he’s had to buy new tyre for his motor due to a pot hole he’s not a happy chappy ?

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I think most of it is just oiling the wheels of the political and buisness elite as backhanders/bribes call it whatever but the huge amount that we spend should be A, agreed by tax payers and B, every penny accountable for. I do believe some aid is necessary but id say 90% dont get anywhere near the people who need it as its just used to buy influence and sweeten government contracts back for our politicians own and freinds/family businesses just corruption really

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