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any one seen thrue the xq38 trail and the xq50 trail i wonted to buy the xq38 but its knot in stock . ive been offered the xq50 at a not to be mist price. witch is the best model. on you tube the xq38 seems to give the best image . but on paper the xq50 should be the best one . any help  pleas.

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They both have the same sensor, how can a 38mm give you a better image than a 50mm. The Trail XQ50 is better than a Trail XQ38, I wouldn't even consider a 38 in the rifle scope models at all.

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  On 08/04/2018 at 06:50, IanB said:

They both have the same sensor, how can a 38mm give you a better image than a 50mm. The Trail XQ50 is better than a Trail XQ38, I wouldn't even consider a 38 in the rifle scope models at all.


thats [BANNED TEXT] i was thinking. but carnt get my head round the images on youtube. your right the xq50 should be mutch better thanks for your input 

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  On 08/04/2018 at 17:28, collieman said:

I have the xq 50 and a friend has the 38 model very little in them for the extra money, I would get the xq38 if I had to buy again.


even if you could get the xq50 cheaper than the xq38 i wanted the xq38 to start with but have been offered the xq50 at a cracking price £2525 but cant get the xq38 under £2700 which way would you go? Any help would be appreciated.

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  On 09/04/2018 at 04:38, nastybilly said:

xq50 got it about 3 weeks ago clear as a bell shot 8 foxes to date with it the furthest being 230 yds , just click on that pip and you cant go wrong 



 im going for the xq50 trail  then thanks for all the info been offered the xq50  for £2525 that cheaper than the xq38

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