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Knife and gun crime

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College ?  Doing well ?  university ?  not acting like a f***ing idiot?  Dare I say it the army ?  The world is your oyster at 16 /17 with no ties or obligations

Are these people genetically predisposed to turn every place they live into a shithouse?......history certainly points that way !

The fact of the matter is that this is probably NOT a waste of young life or potential......closer to the truth is that they were probably involved with street gangs themselves. As for national s

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  On 03/04/2018 at 19:00, Blackbriar said:

It's easy to see how young black lads get drawn into gang culture.

I mean, what does the future hold for the young urbanite, who's no good at football ?



The yout o today ain't got nuttin to do. He might have a chance if he is hung like a donkey. A lot of white gals seem to like that, well for a while.

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  On 03/04/2018 at 19:09, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

College ? 

Doing well ? 

university ? 

not acting like a f***ing idiot? 

Dare I say it the army ? 

The world is your oyster at 16 /17 with no ties or obligations


Ill try to answer that, but not before I say that I'm absolutely NOT defending violence and thuggery !

Young, black city-dwelling males believe (rightly or wrongly) that they have no prospects, no future. They are poorly engaged in the education system. Many of them don't even know their dads, and they live in very poor neighbourhoods, surrounded by people in the same situation - a pack mentality develops.

They see the "have it all now" attitude that permeates the whole of society, but feel unable to achieve those heights, by legitimate means..........


..............then, along comes Leroy Crackdealer, in his shiny Mercedes, who whips out a wad of 20s, and asks them if they want to earn some pocket money.

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  On 03/04/2018 at 19:12, Meece said:

The yout o today ain't got nuttin to do. He might have a chance if he is hung like a donkey. A lot of white gals seem to like that, well for a while.


I was being slightly jokey, but your reply has a good element of truth in it !

The younger generations (generally, not just black youth !) expect the world handed to them on a plate............there is a small section who, if they don't get it, will simply take it - by any means necessary !

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It has always been there, gun and knife crimes.  Those of us of an age can remember all those Bank, Post Office and Wage Snatches in the Sixties and Seventies.   The UK was awash with all kinds of lethal weapons after the First and Second World Wars, and not including the ones we call Policing and Troubles around the forma Empire and World. 

So that is not the problem with those kind of crimes, to my mind the problem is that in today's UK there are more of the mentality that will not hesitate to use any weapon at the drop of a hat, in whatever part of the UK they live and whatever background.  Wannabes and get Rich Quick with out Hard Work, and most of all those with such a Weak Brain that any kind of so called disrespect will be more than enough of an excuse to do harm or kill.  

All in just my opinion.

All the very best for one and all       

Edited by just-A-snap
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  On 03/04/2018 at 19:29, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

I can’t believe the excuse of poverty or crime is even used .... 

nonone in the uk experiences the poverty these boys do.... 





I wasn't making excuses, Stiff.

 I never excuse or condone violence, and I'm not about to start.

I was pointing out how the situation looks from the other side of the fence.

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There's no hope for these inner city types... Just listen to the shit.... There's not a days work in any of em..... f***ing lay abouts..... Bring back national service, teach them some discipline and be part of a proper gang

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  On 03/04/2018 at 19:37, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

I was using it as an example , I could have used myself , rather than my mate , but the point is that if your a young ethnic lad you don’t need to go round stabbing people . 

There are other things you can do with your life ! 


I completely agree, mate.

The problem seems to be in getting THEM to see that !

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  On 03/04/2018 at 19:41, Daniel cain said:

There's no hope for these inner city types... Just listen to the shit.... There's not a days work in any of em..... f***ing lay abouts..... Bring back national service, teach them some discipline and be part of a proper gang


I'm not even clicking 'play'............that bollox gives me a migraine !

Just wanted to say that the army wouldn't have most of them - poor motivation and an even worse attitude !

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  On 03/04/2018 at 19:46, Blackbriar said:

I'm not even clicking 'play'............that bollox gives me a migraine !


Same. I couldn't feel more removed from those people. I'm not 30 yet and I honestly feel like I'm from a different species in society at times. It's a pretty big sense of detachment that frankly would disgust some people.

Mind I'm probably not the only one that thinks I'm from a different species!

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