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Permission granted by greenskeeper

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Just out of interest, did you consider exploring the possibility of payment for the rabbit control, (maybe not that kind of opportunity, perhaps ?)or are you not at that stage yet ?,......reason i say is , a friend of mine who has been a rabbiter all his days (dogs, ferrets , snares, ) just done his FIRST paid rabbit job, last year there,...cause there was a customer of mine with a garden & just one field, i was taking care of the moles on, asking me about how to deal with rabbit problems in his garden. Anyway, after discussing possible options,.....& in the end he was happy for my friend to come along with dog & ferrets, & proceed to flush any bunnies present from their lairs (into purse nets) & provide him with some remuneration, upon results !

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I’m not too fussed about being paid as its a nice bit of ground close to me and I am happy to do it for nothing. I know the gardener well enough to do it for free, getting the job done for him and I’m allowed to go up regularly.  If I didn’t know them as well I’d charge them but my dads a taxi driver who often picks up/drops off workers and this gardener and ask if we could shoot the large numbers of rabbits and he said yes. Just wanted to know other peoples thoughts

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The guy who lives on the course is usually the head greenkeeper or course manager (same thing). They say what does or doesn't happen on the course, but often the permission has to be signed off by the course director. 

I wouldn't even suggest money or you will more than likely be told to piss off as there are lots of people out there who will do it for free.

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  On 02/04/2018 at 19:55, hedge wanderer said:

I’m not too fussed about being paid as its a nice bit of ground close to me and I am happy to do it for nothing. I know the gardener well enough to do it for free, getting the job done for him and I’m allowed to go up regularly.  If I didn’t know them as well I’d charge them but my dads a taxi driver who often picks up/drops off workers and this gardener and ask if we could shoot the large numbers of rabbits and he said yes. Just wanted to know other peoples thoughts


Aye, a see what your saying,..... & a bit of "permission" is certainly no bad thing either. My mate would have done my customers rabbits, on that basis too,....but he got paid anyway, for an initial clearance of burrows within the boundary of the guys garden anyway ? (& why not ? lol) only thing was neither of us had a clue, as to what he might charge,...?,....but got something arranged anyhow.

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  On 02/04/2018 at 20:09, walshie said:

The guy who lives on the course is usually the head greenkeeper or course manager (same thing). They say what does or doesn't happen on the course, but often the permission has to be signed off by the course director. 

I wouldn't even suggest money or you will more than likely be told to piss off as there are lots of people out there who will do it for free.


"there are lots of people out there who will do it for free." ,...aye, so it seems (& that's the problem ? ?),....but, I can understand why,....so (obviously) each to their own.

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If you do succeed in shooting large numbers of rabbits, what then?

Do you want to become known as the guy who clears land of rabbits for free?

It's all well and good potting a couple of bunnies for sport - nothing wrong with that at all, but if you go to the next level, you'll want more than just recognition.

Just my twopennies worth, and good luck to you mate.

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You see around here everybody I know who has permission and shoots are doing just to be able to shoot. No one asks for money, they do because they love and don’t do it as a business. As do I. Hope it clears that up. I wouldn’t mind being known as the person who controls pests for free haha as I’m no obligation to go down continually or at all for that matter. Just how it is around here

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  On 02/04/2018 at 20:38, hedge wanderer said:

You see around here everybody I know who has permission and shoots are doing just to be able to shoot. No one asks for money, they do because they love and don’t do it as a business. As do I. Hope it clears that up. I wouldn’t mind being known as the person who controls pests for free haha as I’m no obligation to go down continually or at all for that matter. Just how it is around here


Aye, a get you,.....& of course getting on top of some rabbit problems,..properly,(in some instances ?)....can involve methods other than just the gun ?  

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Aye, its a damn sight more enjoyable than painting houses. 

Now no one would do that for free!

You said that they have offices with lawns and gardens. Presumably the rabbits are cropping the grass to bare earth and gobbling up the tulip bulbs. The service you are providing has a value - and that's all I'm saying.


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