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Jeremy Corbyn aka Adolf Hitler.

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5 hours ago, Francie said:

Chris your always on the ball with your stats, but im afraid your wrong on this one buddy, have a wee read above link, oh bibles were in schools alright until the sixties, have a wee read.

Good pick that one, mate that's one of my local papers!

Quoting  Deseret News, "Schempp — the shorthand reference to the ruling — clarified that while government can't promote or denigrate religion, the subject of faith and its role in history, literature and the arts has educational value and can be taught in public schools."


"There was broad judicial consensus that state-sponsored prayer and Bible reading was a violation of First Amendment," Solomon said. "It was an easy decision for them."


"Although the Schempp and Engel decisions banned ceremonial prayer and scriptural readings, First Amendment scholars point out that the court didn't ban religion from public schools. The rulings simply clarified government's role as a neutral player that should not be in the business of composing prayers or mandating students to read sacred texts without a non-religious purpose. "

There are private schools that will teach from a religious perspective, like faith-based schools in the UK but the first amendment strictly forbids the establishment of religion. Bibles might have been in school but it's not constitutional for teachers/faculty to push a religious agenda and it has never been. There is a huge difference between learning about a religion in religious studies and running a christian curriculum which is what it appears you're alleging and there is a fine line between educating and outlining and then pushing a faith-based system. Even here in the Mormon capital there is massive membership but schools are only allowed to discuss religion from a secular perspective.

5 hours ago, Francie said:

Also your stats for louisiana are correct, but thats not taking in the whole picture, i never said the religous states were the most peaceful, because therees loads of factors to consider, plus all i was stating is when the bible was removed in sixties the crimes went up.

Nobody ever does take the whole picture! Crime went up globally and then suddenly dropped. That correlation can be argued by increased lead exposure, through petrol and water pipes, and subsequent removal. It can also be argued by gun control. Also by gun ownership. Abortion and birth control and even several socio-economic factors...

I'm sure we can throw in some more but morality doesn't come with the book.

5 hours ago, Francie said:

Did california not just get voted the worst state to live in america, by americans?

Yes it has??? An its a liberal lefty shithole, buy thers still beleivers there???

Not sure with that one. I know there is a tendency on THL to blame a certain demographic when correlating sh*th*les and what defines them but has anyone else noticed how they also seem to adopt strong socialist policies before it all goes to sh*t?

I have nothing against religious liberties, mate. You're free to choose as you please. But these strong theocratic utopias aren't exactly great for personal liberties and they have their own skeletons in their own closets.

4 hours ago, WILF said:

Check the demographic on some of those states.........

We'll always disagree on this one. It's way more complicated than that.

Edited by ChrisJones
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Communism has always been anti Semitic......no great surprise about that. However, this thing with corbyn really is a storm about f**k all as usual......another non story from our esteemed media.

An easy mistake to make

A educated man is not always a wise man , that's not a dig at Chris I'm   just saying education and wisdom are very different things  

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Is it though mate?.......or do we all want it to be?

They are looking for excuses in London at the moment........I wonder what they are this time?

I lived there at the time of the Brixton riots......that wasn’t their fault.........all the crime and destruction in those areas.......that wasn’t their fault........Little Damilola Taylor........that wasn’t their fault.........the trouble after Mark Duggan........that wasn’t their fault.........and this murder fest won’t be their fault either.

At what point do we stop avoiding the obvious?

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7 hours ago, WILF said:

Is it though mate?.......or do we all want it to be?

I'm not overly arsed whether anyone wants it to be any particular way I just go off what collation of data presents. I don't even believe that melanin in the skin is a determining factor in much more than your susceptibility to certain cancers.

7 hours ago, WILF said:

They are looking for excuses in London at the moment........I wonder what they are this time?

I lived there at the time of the Brixton riots......that wasn’t their fault.........all the crime and destruction in those areas.......that wasn’t their fault........Little Damilola Taylor........that wasn’t their fault.........the trouble after Mark Duggan........that wasn’t their fault.........and this murder fest won’t be their fault either.

At what point do we stop avoiding the obvious?

People rioting is inexcusable. It was their fault. Same in Toxteth. Same in Moss Side. Same in Ferguson. Same in Baltimore. Same in LA. But it's a symptom of something else. As we've discussed before I could get into it but I doubt you're in the market for what I'm selling. Probably for the best as we've gone way beyond Jeremy Corbyn's antisemitism. Just out of curiosity though. Do you think the average black fella got a good deal under apartheid?

Edited by ChrisJones
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I think they got all the deal that they amounted to.......they just don’t have the capability to do more or be more Without someone stepping in to help......soon as the helper go’s home, it all turns to shit again.

The proof is there in front of our eyes mate.

Now for a bit of balance, should they have been left alone to continue their medieval way of living ?........well yes, they probably should.

But, with a continent with so many natural resources you are always going to have people step in who want to exploit them......namely us !

Is that right ?.......no it probably isn’t and as usual it’s the ordinary bloke who is paying the price.

The company execs who made billions exploiting Africa don’t have to live with these animals......we have to live with them and it’s outside our front doors that we deal with the fallout.

There ain’t that many mugging or gangs on some £25 million estate in the Cotswolds.

But that aside, there’s no getting away from these people seem to have a cultural problem........and we as a people have not tried to hold them up, we have done the opposite and lowered ourselves down.

Our scum are nothing new, just looks at “Rakes Progress” , but they are ours.

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35 minutes ago, WILF said:

There ain’t that many mugging or gangs on some £25 million estate in the Cotswolds.

Nope. No Labour supporters either. Few socialists. Fewer single-parent families. No reward for not participating... Unlike the cities. They're not sh*tty neighbourhoods either. They're not as densely populated either.

I said earlier in the thread. Anyone else notice how these sh*th*l*s have a tendency to adopt socialist ideology before they tank?

Edited by ChrisJones
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